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Editing - rough draft

A Raven

Still Searching

The Raven sought his soul from on high
Round and round seeking he tried
Then something came into view
A glistening so bright as a drop of dew

There he descended in great haste
I shall find a treasure no time to waste
He screamed to his own imagined way
Shedding air his wings sang that day

His shadow grew upon the Earth
As he stalled in flight to seek it's birth
There now a fluttering brilliance grew
Still guided him into the light he knew

the hidden thought

I caught her eyes,
She caught my eyes.
Who is to be blamed then?
Who could denounce to embrace beauty,
affirm its importance and learn its ways?
Who could in his right senses,
discard its thoughts, forget its impart and tarnish its image?

I maintain to sustain its essence in my life, with diligent effort to pass it on to posterity...twg


dreams come in dry cold winds
announcing their thoughts
through the wires of song

and on the dead leaf lawns
the shelter limits dance
like rain on dark pools trance

stirring in dreams
a murmur to a cry
break through partitions
shove aside the shy

and the thistle
to to gait of pride
unlocking textures
and hungers
thick thin and wide

One-liners In Three


monster in the pond
oh! toes of a cloud
dipping shadows



family afar
cordial constraints, the keepsake
a box of silence


A Mixed Message

"slippery when wet"
a warning, and a welcome
fucking on the floor


The Garden

trellis hugging vine
embracing geometrics
fondling nature ROCKS!


A Loofah

men are rough and coarse
smooth with kittens and kids, cute
rubs the right way


jokin ----kin

Hi Ian …you call me bro or bard …tis okay

send me my fare to London
I will come to meet a lovely one like you
borrow a million pounds or two
Oh your rich all know
maybe that's why your poetry does flow
wow you know
as Sadie also says so

You Have Not Started Over You Have Only Just Begun

you just gotta deal.
your cards have been dealt.
now play with them.
take your shitty hand and see how it matches up
and it's okay to feel like less.
it's okay to want more.
just know that you're the only one
who can take it.

Kin or Jokin

Shit Carothers we are only brothers
Do I have to wipe your stinking ass?
Come on now let go of Mothers plea
I’ll tell you straight what’s wrong with me

I am so sick of your spoilt stupid face
The way you behave is a bloody disgrace
I have spent many wasted years with you
Trying to make it so that you pull through

Come you donkey dropping let me go
I have my own life to lead you know
What of the family ties we have made
They are false and have destroyed my days.


Gust gushed through windows with no glasses
Rumbling sky signaled swift changes
Blank pages rustle in mid classes
Rain and storm arrange their exchanges

Literary tyros in despair
By the absence of their teacher
Classroom blocks in bad shape, to repair
Yet, we sing about getting richer

Bare blackboards portray our state of mind
Banged empty heads will have nothing to give
We watch the clock tick on, as hours wind
Bracing unread volumes with a heave

Raven, Wind and Sea

There was chaos in my sleep,
in the blackness of my sleep
but they said I was not dreaming,
only sleeping,
only dying,
on and on the river flowed,
a raven flying by the shore.

The moon shine lit the water's face,
as often as he kissed the rocks
where for a time
my dreams lay dashed,
and swam with flotsam
from my cog.

Why am I here? I asked the bird,
that demon bird,
that corvine sprite,

He landed on a jutting rock
and in his priestly prayer

Raising Ecstasy....Full Version

Raising ecstasy....

Let me be young again...
in the summer of my life...
in bikinis or without..
in seas wide and deep
and you will feel the rods inside out...
as you will nod
and in ecstasy...
rebound only
if I could turn back the key...
the lock could open easily...
if you were as exotic

new wave poetry

well the same mind coughs so very often...very often
some music flows in some ears
while for else it’s a cause of tears,


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