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Community News

Mother's Day Image Prompt Contest Winner!

This winning poem of the Mother’s Day image prompt contest is

Mum... You and I by Rula

Let us congratulate Rula on another contest win.

This week the Neopoem is

 Loving You by  hippiemoon

Let us congratulate hippiemoon on another contest win.

Neopoet Weekly 05/12/24 to 05/18/24 Winner!

This week the Neopoem is


Mosquitos Suck!
  By William Lynn


Congratulations to William Lynn for racking up another contest win!

Neopoet Weekly 05/05/24 to 05/11/24 Winner!

This week the Neopoem is

Ways of loving by  Terumi Sakurai

Let us congratulate Terumi Sakurai on their first win as a neopoet member.

About Contests

There have been some changes to the about contest page
To take a look visit

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Flame!

75 Les Paul custom
25 year anniversary
cherry sunburst finish
best I'd ever seen
neck, straight and tapered
frets had been machined
jammed with it for five years
when incidentally
I sold it to a stranger
to meet financial needs
looking back, my heart still crushed
a foolish move indeed!
sometimes what we do for love?
remain a mystery!


Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

Did you think you could save me?
If you stayed healthy, you could heal me?
I was left counting on you.
So, was it a selfish or selfless thing to do?
Was it a crime or a virtue?

I took all that I could take.
Stayed up all night to keep you breathing.
Brought you home from the police station.
I lost myself to care for you.
Was it a cycle or a virtue?

Prayer, Cure for Depression

Prayer, Cure For Depression

In the quiet hush of dawn's embrace,
Prayer whispers softly, a gentle grace.
A balm for the soul, a cure for despair,
Lifting the burden, lightening the air.

In the darkest hour, when all seems lost,
Prayer offers solace, no matter the cost.
A beacon of hope, a flicker of light,
Guiding the way through the endless night.

Horsing Around...

Vague memories of a noble steed
and the paladin I was
My horse was of a humble birth
I rode for justice' cause

He reared way up, hooves a flying
against the country dawning sky
There in the distance, the quarry
The proverbial, wanted bad guy

We raced along the grasslands
We dodged bullets and I hung low
Caught the bad guy and I jumped him
He drew his gun, but way too slow

I socked him in his jaw
and we tussled all around
he tried to hit me with a rock
that he found upon the ground

Rich Gold Afternoon

On a rich gold afternoon
she is riding in a convertible:
the wind blows through
her golden hair, the brown
no more to be seen.

The car was grand
the-trailer pulling a race-car
was grand.
You could see-she had-a rich man.
-Maximize rich, Minimize man-

From the masks
of plastic smiles
were interested only
in how many saw their flash.

Yesterday’s Mail

My God I love being alive.
The moon dips low below the horizon as your fingers travel down my waist to my hipbone.
You: so tall and so new and so wonderful.
Us two sit on the floor and eat food out of paper containers, long legs criss crossed and tangled up in spidery webs.
We glisten like silk threads in the starlight,
morning dewdrops clung to thin clear strings.

The Last Time

Had he known the last time they made love,
Would be the last time they’d make love.

He would have stayed a little longer,
Held on to her a little stronger.

He would have gazed into her eyes,
As they said their last goodbyes.

He would have sat beside her bed,
Till there was nothing left unsaid.

He would have rubbed the back of her neck,
And given her cheek a little peck.

He would have sat her in a chair,
And took some time to brush her hair.

Memorial Day

Flags gently waving,
Honoring those who gave all,
Memorial Day.

What Is It?

What is it?
When your heart skips a beat,
What is it?
Is it someone that you meet?
What is it?
With a flutter in your heart,
What is it?
That you never want to part?
What is it?
From the time you say "Hello."
What is it?
You know! That you'll never let go!

Locked in the basement

Dark and isolated stay
like living in hell
where the secret is kept
with the whispering talk
at a deadly ghost place
with silent hearing echoes
facing with the relentless fear
as the heart pounding rapidly
by a terrifying despair
an eerie cold shivering in a chill
sending down to the spine
from the haunted spirit appearance
screaming out loud carelessly
“Get out of my place” or You will be dead!”
horror racing through the mind
with tears of frightening sigh
to look for a way to escape


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.