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Edward nigma's blog

What’s happening to me

Well why haven’t I wrote a poem or posted in a long time. Now that my friend is because I’ve been in chronic head pain and I’ve found out that that is because my shunt is over draining so in two or three I will have another brain surgery to get a new valve in my head.

Rhythm and tone and rhyming

Now I know what your thinking what or how does rhythm coincide with tone?
Well my friend rhythm is all in the syllables and tone effects the rhythm
because for example let’s say your tone is a solemn tone then your rhythm
would have to be long and slow . Now if your tone or the feeling your trying to portray
is fresh new vibrant and free then the has to also move free just a little more speed
and little more
rhyming .

imagery lesson 1

Now color usage is key but use it carefully use it on an object that has some significance to the character . Color helps imprint or hammer out an image. But choose your words carefully to make color like a personality or a living being . Ir describe the feeling the color makes up you feel I also just alliteration for build up to the color. Like for example
The bright and new color of blue . You see you don’t just put in a color. It has to have some significance otherwise there would be no reason to put it in.

My fifth brainsurgery

Just today I have had a brain surgery my fourth these past two years I’m in chkd hpospital right now


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