Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Our election will start the evening of March 29 or March 30 and will run for one full week. We will send a notification out to newsletter subscribers when our election begins.


Please take the time to vote. This is Your chance to help determine the direction of Neopoet...........stan

do I vote??? There seems to be no place for voting on the front page! Instructions please?

thanks Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Andrew has been on vacation and thus running a bit late on posting ballots. He expects to do so later today lest the rabble( read me and other hotheads lol) come for him with hot tar and feathers ............stan

thanks Cat!
It's not just me!


Run your cursor over the Neopoet Logo at the top left
of page which will take you to the front page, from there
will be the link ... but for anyone that can't find it, here it
is !!

Why are there only 4 candidates, you, Scribbler, Wesley and Beau? The other is *no choice* which could mean many things...a protest vote, or that the voter sees all candidates equally, etc.

We need a 5th party in order to break any deadlock. No?


We had an unusually low number of nominations, and a low number of acceptances. Only four individuals accepted. In part, this is why we proposed reducing the size of the AEC/AC back to the original 3.

author comment

Apparently there were only 4 people nominated or some of those who were nominated turned it down. I guess any deadlock will be broken by trustees

"I guess", I guess that should not be not left to guesswork, no?


The present AEC operated with only 4 members. In the single instance when a deadlock occured trustees broke it. I GUESS the proceedure will remain the same.........stan

Congrats to all nominees
two out of four I know
Hello do well again
Stan as usual
we love your sense of humour
friend Istan
you too are wonderful...
Sorry Beau do i know you ???


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.