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God ???
For God’s sake,
God bashing
God hating,
God believing
God disbelieving
Is getting on my God damned nerves,
For God’s sake
Can't we drop God?
For a God damned while,
God bothering,
Bending Gods ear,
In this God forsaken place,
Is ungodly, so can we have a break,
We are here to write poetry.
There is no God in my cave
Or any other deity,
That's how I can rest.
Night everyone!!
(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.
Mon, 2013-06-03 18:49
God Blog
Will self destruct in two days or even less according to how I feel,
Yours Sparrow, as cross as ten worms
There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..
brittle light
Mon, 2013-06-03 20:22
Dear brother Ian,
I'll stop it
drop it
and mop it up
when I'm done with it.
not before.
with deep and abiding respect
Tue, 2013-06-04 03:20
Lovely to see you here, at the moment there are a few talks going on about God etc: and I feel that the time would be better suited to critiquing and commenting on our poetry and the workshops we have..
This morning I have two comments on this simple Blog a few more than the poetry I write, and others in undiscovered would love one of those comments on their works..
Have a lovely day out there I hear that the sun is shining outside of my Cave lol.
Take care and thanks again, Yours Ian.T
There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..
Mon, 2013-06-03 20:52
cool down
man Ian
you can't make everyone listen!
many like me are deaf and blind
in search of one none can find
so leave your temper far behind,
take god out of your mind
cool down
but you can't prohibit poetry
that god alone does refine
the critiques here may fine....
Why this blog I wonder
who so ever does blunder
will get his /share
why do you alone
about the unknown
so much care...
Tue, 2013-06-04 03:14
At the moment there are too many of our poets, wasting their time on things that others write and themes that are personal to them.
I think there should be a truce we have always been told not to talk about religion and politics as they cause people to fall out.
The poets will still be there.
You see I only mentioned God in my title and already out comes the comments.
Now if all my poetry and pieces could be treated the same, our poetry would improve, which is the prime objective of Neopoet.
I shall remove the blog, Poem, write, whatever it is, rant it is not..
Here I sit in my cave with my radio laptop on watching a flock of birds take to flight from a lake, the energy the beauty is all I need to smile..
Take care young Bard I is OK..xx
There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..
Tue, 2013-06-04 07:57
Dear Ian
Hope i haven't annoyed you with my discussion.. I thought poetry is a huge gate through which we can
discuss many subjects. Poetry has never been about love ,dreams and wonderful strolls . It can also discuss politics, cultures , beliefes . And any discussion in any of these subjects is hopefully not a waste of time and we hopefully remain friends .
Please follow me on Instagram
Tue, 2013-06-04 09:06
My Blog is just to nudge people into not trying to down others beliefs when criticizing a poem or commenting on it.
The theme of a poem is up to the author, it was when comments go outside of the poetry's form and theme into the beliefs of some that it is not needed. So my Blog is a naughty skit on God I shall remove it tomorrow.
This in no way I hope offends our members as your poetry will never offend me.
It is good to have a multi faceted look at what people do and believe, and no matter what I believe it is up to the individual to be able to write what they wish as a poem.
Take care young lady and may your God walk with you, Yours as always, Ian.T
There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..
Tue, 2013-06-04 07:54
I agree with you but ... as long as there are people
being oppressed in the name of religion it is a subject
that should be discussed.
A couple of weeks ago there was a video going around
on youtube, three people accused of witchcraft, beaten
into submission and burned alive while an entire village
These kind of things happen even today and the world
has turned its back long enough.
Tue, 2013-06-04 09:16
Yes the oppression of people should not be tolerated, even in our countries, it as a class situation cares nothing or next to nothing about the poor or sometimes the beliefs of different people.
We could learn so much from all people and races also the religions they follow.
My Blog was in protest that the comments lately had gone way beyond the poem that was written.
We should comment on the content and form of a poem and realise that others have a variety of beliefs and accept this.
At Neopoet there is no room for talking outside of a poem..
My Blog was just a reminder of that..
At least I have had four comments so far and that is more than I usually get on some of the pieces I write maybe I have found my area of writing LOL.
Take care young man and thanks for your input, Yours Ian.T
There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..
Tue, 2013-06-04 12:56
May I pose a question here?
Is religion the ONLY thing in the world that oppresses people? I don't see anyone discussing dictatorships, slavery, or other forms of oppression. How about those who enslave and oppress others through the drug trade? Any thoughts in that direction? I'm not a Religious fanatic by any means, probably not even what would be considered a "Good" Christian, but it seems to me that there are many forms of oppression that are considerably worse than Religion!
brittle light
Tue, 2013-06-04 13:30
counter proposal
relgion and the religious are ruled by a celestial dictator.
most extant dictatorships (in the world) are theocratic in nature
reilgion enslaves minds. Slavery is endorsed by the Bible
relgion has been equated, and equivalent, to an opiate. It is a mind altering substance
AND relgion is ubiquitous.
Of course there are other forms of oppression. They are just as vile.
Many address these, and often, in poetry, politics, and even religion.
These "other" evils and oppressions do not let religion off the hook.
Tue, 2013-06-04 13:57
We should rejoice that we are mostly freed from religious slavery, I can read and write and most times have freedom of speech, the later is being eroded by governing bodies that could arrange a "P" up in a brewery..
I spent a few years in Africa and there well freedom is sometimes dealt in death from arms fire and by oppressive control of people.
We could talk for hours on these things but it cannot cure the sickness.
I feel good when we have poets from Africa writing on Neopoet, it shows a kind of freedom.
We bought and sold them but must have taught them very well as they carry on the same way yet blaming us as they kill men women and children.
I have to go am behind with a few things, will talk later, Yours Ian.T
There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..
Tue, 2013-06-04 13:58
There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..
Tue, 2013-06-04 13:49
Hello there, yes there are many forms of oppression, a lot of them start from the home and are spread like a plague throughout the environment.
The ones that are oppressive and go against humanity should be rooted out and destroyed, drugs and other selling trades can be sorted.
One of the bad ones is the aggression of people in their own homes that leads to a broken life for many.. Now this is where the poet can write with such anger and a lot of times a sadness as they themselves are in that type of cycle.
In many cases the poem is held in a differing light, where we treat the poem and the writer with a gentleness, or as befits our own experiences.
My Blog was a point that we had stepped outside the poem and the poet and commented on the beliefs of the theme.
We must try no matter what our own feelings to treat each poet and poem as we find the poem they have written and the theme they portray.
Here in a Blog you can say what you feel about anything within the rules of Neopoet.
I hope that in future comments can be what they are meant to be a way of learning and teaching poetry.
Your input as usual is valued by many, thank you, I think we will hear more yet so I will leave this open for a while longer.
Take care Lonnie I miss your works on Neo, Yours Ian.T
There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..