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Ian.T's blog

Just a few headings of rhymes for children if anyone is lost for fairy Stories or Rhymes..

Poems of Spring

To start a collection of poems at this moment in the category of Spring for future reference and maybe use in a Neo book.
Just add your best Spring Poem to this Blog as a comment or even PM them to me and they can be added to the main list.
Lilly of the Valley

“A new season”

The valley grew silent, amidst darkened soil
Just under the surface was complete turmoil
Pushing aside the soil of cold times gone by
A blade shaped leaf just for you and I

Poets say they have lost their Muses

The Nine Muses

It is a long story to write of you,
An Epic will that do
On many tablets as in days of old
This is how your story is told

Of times past you tell
Of battles won, and times of hell
Rest a while let your scrolls foresee
A calming image, for you and me.

Now sing lyric's softley to me please
A beauty toned from your lyre to tease
Play to me in dreams stories of the old
Tales from the Greeks so I am told.

To All Neopoets

We wish you all a wonderful holiday season.
Who ever you are and where ever you are, know that we send you unconditional love, this love is for ever.

2015, I give you a new year where we will produce writes that will be remembered by many more.
We will send hands out to hold you, when you are sagging with ailments, real or in your think.
Yours as always Ian and Anne, and of course the Children.

Live that you are aware you will be the judge of your own actions. xxxx


• Abroholos: a squall frequent from May through August between Cabo de Sao Tome and Cabo Frio on the coast of Brazil.
• Aejej in Morocco: a whirlwind in the desert.
• Aeolus: regent of the winds in Greek mythology.

Gunga Din-By Rudyard Kipling

Ian.T here, this is a classic, and the first time I have read any of Kipling's works.
I wish I had the time to read many more, but it is just one of those things I have missed during my years on this plain..
It must have been great to be able to read all these things as part of an education, I have always been aware of the statement "You are a better man than me Gunga Din" but today was the first time I have read the poem that it is part of.
Have a good read all that haven't read this before, it is a great story,
Yours as always Ian.T

Feedback all Poets

I feel that it is about time that there was an indication of the number of people that visit a poem on site.
I just take my works off after a few days if there are no comments on a piece.
I don't really care if some people can't write comments and continually want their work to have comments I just would like to know that anything I write at least has been seen..
I am now going to stop commenting leaving critique on all those that don't bother.

Poets Neopoet site Plus

We should hold a review of Neopoet for a few days or so,
the last few weeks have been rather short of poets here.

I send stuff when I feel like it to a site that pays cents for them, but they send me a reminder that I haven't been there, if I leave it for a month or so.

We should send reminders to our poets that to stay silent is no good for them or the site.

A Walk into North American Indian Myths

I have tried to put into verse stories of the North American People and their Myths, some of the stories will need help in their composition when anyone has a little spare time, Thank You Yours Ian.T

Absaroka (Crow Nation)

Achiyalatopa Speaks...

Where are you my nations of six
The loss of your ways must I perish
Did I do you wrong my Zuni
I no longer adorn your altars
My swords are gone for ever,
decayed in the history of Mankind.

Just a few thoughts

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