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Good to Bad`

Do you ever feel like your getting bad again?

You've stopped doing what your supposed to

Don't get me wrong, your getting up, going to work

But it starts slow, you stop putting on lip gloss

You stop brushing your teeth, then your hair

Your clothing starts to become a little less put together

No one comments, they don't want to impose

You know whats happening but make excuses

It's cold out, its raining, your not feeling 100%

Except the excuses go from once a week to everyday

Your home gets a little more dirty, the dust gets thicker

You spend more and more time away

Away from people, passions, places you loved

Away from your thoughts, away from reality

You start to hide, in sleep, in your subconscious

Now that you have realized this is whats been happening

Now that there is a tangible reason behind the slide downward

How do you stop it? The answer is exactly how it began

Go backwards up the slide, slowly now its not easy

You start with a shower, it burns away the dread

Then maybe a deep breath to remind your lungs your alive

Take off the too big pajama pants you stole from your partner

Remove the 15 year old T-shirt with stains and holes

Put on something that makes you feel....anything

Now its starting, the sensation of life coming back into your veins

You take it slowly, building the effort from one day to everyday

Again they start to notice again, only this time they smile

Once again your up and off to work, only this time

Your getting good again.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Welcome to Noepoet.
Nice poem. I like the happy ending,
Maybe on the line "Go backwards up the slide, slowly now its not easy"
you should put a comma like this: "slowly now, it's not easy" But I don't know.

I see you are new to Neo. and this is the first poem that you have posted. Very nice and good advice. I think that maybe you might use [you're] instead of [your] and you could drop the [that] in the line: "Now, [that] there is a tangible... not a major thing, but it sounds better. Your partner is right to suggest that you get a bit out of your comfort zone. it opens your mind and helps you get to places you've never been. Glad to have you here at Neopoet. Make sure that you read and comment on the other writers here and you will get good feedback and critique on your own work, that will help you throughout your own writing experience. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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