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The road shines like it's paved with silver
bathed in the predawn's full moon light
and resounds with my staff's impact
while I walk it in the fading night.

I pause a bit to catch my breath
for the journey has been long.
The sky starts to pale in the southeast
as the whippoorwill completes his song.

The woods beside this county road
turn from black to grey and green
and soon the stars begin to fade.
Before long they'll shine but be unseen.

I pay all of this little mind
for my thoughts are filled with ghosts
who live only in my memory.
Their numbers have become a host.

My breath slows and chest grows tight.
eyes water and a few tears roll
down my grizzled old man cheek.
The decades have taken their toll.

I wipe my face with jacket's sleeve
then snort to clear myself of grief
looking to where the road curves left.
Dawn has slipped in like a thief.

With daylight the ghosts disperse
replaced by thoughts of those still here.
Perhaps one day I'll be the ghost
haunting those whom I hold dear.

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


A haunting write... maybe inspired by the increasing number of deaths all around or may be not. Anyway I wanted you to know that I thought this piece rolls really smooth from beginning to end with some rich imagery and I found nothing but appreciation to send along your way.
Thank you for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Nope. I've already written about all that I want about this virus. This is just musings of an old man. Thanks for dropping by

author comment

Even a bling pig can find an acorn sometimes and even a so-so poet can get one right lol. Thanks for your kind comment

author comment

I always fell in love with Stan's few lines. I didn't want to repeat myself, but with your words I find me saying Yes! Yes! Absolutely distinguished lines those are!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

that road with you my friend. I felt the sadness and the grief. But, I also feel the pull of the people that are still here and loving us. Soldier on sir. ~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

sorry about missing chat last night. No excuse just plain forgot. I am pleased to have had you walk along this road for a while

author comment

I know what it's like to have forgotten about things. Due to my advanced age and brain damage [self-induced through years of doing things I shouldn't have] and a few accidents, I forget a lot. I won't forget that you promise to be there this coming Sat. though. LoL
~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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