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Fiftieth Anniversary Mommy

Fiftieth Anniversary Mommy

So kind of you all
hope more will love it
like you do


this year she would have been in heaven
or where ever
for total complete 50 years
mid year!! !

May she still be in waiting
for a son like me
who still loves her
so muchly.....
perhaps in a year or two
may be in her arms soonly- - -


where ever she may still be- - -

I am quite sure
she will still be eagerly waiting

for me
her son till today
so lovely
admires the love and life she gave
to me

I try to do give it to my kids


all know it

My loveliest of lovely

My Mom loves (d) me....


Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


your sentiments expressed in the poem speak about your unconditional love for your mother. May her soul rest in eternal peace in His divine light...

raj (sublime_ocean)

your words
bring out pristine
memorable tears

How I long
to now
to my mom

may your poetry shine
like divine
I read you often
you are a

mostly gals love em
be kind to all
you can
o poetic man!

author comment

We are akin, My mother love her, left us and journeyed on 12th May 2000, They say time heals but the love we had, needs no healing just a quiet memory.
They play among the infinity of eternal love, we hold them there always.
Take care dear friend and know they are waiting for us as we will join them one day and as there is NO time there, we are already there,
Yours as always, Ian ..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

only memories
can stretch beyond elasticity
all scientists also know it

love only
EX P A N D S...and keeps on expanding..............................>>>>>>> no ending
there is no limit
but neither has eternity
memory and eternity it seems are like twins

let's also our memories string
as life comes to a fore close
euthanasia no ending
they say will end as human
but no,not at all
we are 7.5 Billion
and docs are only Few
with hands already full...

so again we all have to be in the inevitabke
they call it

author comment

And bless the loving mother.
Always great to see a son/daughter who has a good memory of one or both of his parents.
Raising children is one of the hardest things in life that few appreciate the effort.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

after 10 months
it 's my pop 's

we also are now
in Q
who will remember who
no one shall
nor ever

author comment
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