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February contest winner

Please join me in congratulating the February contest winner Drey Hommies for his excellent entry " WHEN THE TANTRUM IS LOST ". here it is:

When the tantrum is lost,
gods become men,
They lost their youthful hue,
Divinity turns to humanity.

I'd rather return to infancy,
When I'd growl as a cub
Yet with my fangs and claws infantry
And wouldn't serve the pleasures of my heart.

Today I am a man and human,
Lost in the deep and depths of gory experience
I do not growl in frustration
I yank and bite and tear.

A woman's warmth turns a boy into a man
A man is a curse burdened with ambitions and responsibilities
Being human isn't a home
It is a war-front phased with ugly inevitable,
If only they know,
It's a facade and it's exhaustive.

When you count your blessings,
you don't fail to count your curses
In the end the both are the same,
Joy and Grief,
Laughter and Tears,
Love and Hate,
Life is a cult.

You find love then you lose it,
You find love again, then you lose it,
Then you find it again and still lose it
In the very end,
You find grief,
depression, poetry, art, music,
And then death;
Or you find religion, and hide,
behind the reality of Life and Death.

You try to make sense of everything that is senseless
Science, Astronomy, Philosophy, Religion, Love
Everything is senseless.

I'd also like to thank All participants for their entries......stan


Congratulations Drey Hommies for your winning entry in February Contest..


raj (sublime_ocean)


"You try to make sense of everything that is senseless" --> fantastic line. I think that is absolutely one of the eternal struggles of humankind!


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you stood first Bravo

Each month's contest is judged by a different volunteer judge who is given a pretty free rein in judging as well as setting contest parameters. This judging is likely harder than most folks who haven't done so realizes. It is by keeping each month's judge's identity secret that we hope to relieve the burden of negative feedback from the judge's shoulders.
This comment is not directed at anybody in particular it's just for a reminder of how these contests are run........stan

author comment

I thought the contest subject is about astronomy or astronomical event.
It's either I've misread the contest description, or misread Drey's piece.
Wish the best for all.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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But the winner is left up to the judge and unless they do something that's really out of line their decision has the admin.'s full backing. I think in this particular instance originality overrode content

author comment
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