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A fellow member

Most of you know Wesley Snow and how much he means to the site. He has suffered a massive heart attack and undergone a quadruple bypass surgery. Please join me in sending healing thought and prayers his way............stan


This is shocking.. I know he will recover; he is still a young man. I pray in the name of Christ for a quick rebound. He is a good man.


But as he is young
we are sanguine
he will be well soon
I do wish to join you
to wish him well

his passion will hopefully carry him through!
and modern technology!!!
lucky bugger
glad he is still at this stage!!

oh mortality
like a sweet bird
that calls my name
in the forest
the precious notes
when all life is

thank U

One thing about by-pass surgery is that it usually leads to immediate and dramatic improvement. So baring complications we can all hope to see Wes back to his almost normal self pretty soon........stan

author comment

I have observed in so many cases of
friends of mine still
going stronger day by day
so we shall hopefully enjoy Snow
till it continues to snow
years hence

I join all in sending my very best wishes and prayers for Wesley to get well and hearty soon.

raj (sublime_ocean)

I am really sorry to hear the news but I know sir Wesley is going to overcome this crisis. I had a massive heart attack ten years ago, I was only thirty seven, but you can't tell now if you saw me. However, this tells that you, sir, must take good care of your health, please do, we all need you here.
Please come back soon.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Shall keep looking for updates.

raj (sublime_ocean)

Come on big guy we need you back here, no pressure ???. No seriously i wish you a speedy recovery back to full fitness. Regards Roscoe...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

If anyone here has an update on how Wes is now, please post it.

raj (sublime_ocean)

Any further updates on how good Wesley is doing now?


raj (sublime_ocean)

It seems that you are the only one in contact with him, or he with you, so we appreciate the updates.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

I have messaged him but not yet gotten a reply. I'll pass anything I hear along as quickly as I hear it......stan

author comment

Thanks Stan. Will keep checking out here from time to time


raj (sublime_ocean)

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