Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

the stream unread..your indulgence please UNDISCOVERED OR FORGOTTEN

continues to amass poetry ... for months... like fungus
can Neopoet make it a point to drill poets
to read one... comment as proof... then post a poem... if they wish to
the unread
is now becoming
a dread
should have been


Read it, Read it,
Done it, Done it,
Seems to make no difference LOL,
Flogging and dead horses, seem to spring to mind.
Or maybe the one you took to water,
was dead anyway
Yours as always,

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

This is one of the consequences of having a poetry site that focuses primarily on workshop skills. I am not saying this is a bad thing as there are many who benefit from such tutorials, but the downside is that most of the people here are not interested in commenting/critiquing poems that are not generated by folks in a particular workshop environment. Now, I myself am a guilty party also, but not because I participate in workshops, I have the distinct privilege of being a selfish, uncaring, **** who contributes NOTHING whatever to Neo! LOL!!

In this comment you have now contributed a great deal to Neopoet.
I always treat it as a two lane street, both going the same way.
Those that join workshops and those that love to write, it is a great pity that there is a separation between the two.

If this is the case then I think a little thing should be put out.

If a poet or writer doesn't want to join in a workshop, then it would be so good to have them comment on others works for the privilege of being here, even if it is only one for one.

The workshops can remain the same, but if you have a site that has both, then the words and works will rub off on each other.

The comment rule can be brought in similar to the 23 hour limit we have, then the writer be reminded that they need to comment on some works to be able to stream their own.
I think I am on a site that asks for three reviews before you can submit.
Or becoming an active member of a workshop would allow you to stream your works outside of the workshop as normal.
Thanks Lonnie for your comment it needs sorting,
Yours as always Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

u r a marvel
who looks into alllllll aspects
well well well
well done

author comment

to whine
I only just remind
as no workshop
I have in mind
at times
I my mind do grind
elsewhere more solace
i find
I am no more blind

author comment

clean now
thanks to me ...LOL
and all those who drop even a Hello.
When we have some suggestions we can add for the sake of improvement but if it pleases the author to tell him/her that she/he has been read, why not?
We don't need the hitting counter. We can do anyways, can't we?


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

u should be on the AEC
I will vote for you

author comment

I think anyone with some spare time like I was this morning will do simply the same.
Our dear Ian did it many times before.
but I really appreciate your appreciation.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

now we are three
let Neopoets WORKSHOPS
remain busy

each day we will knock off three
u Ian and me

all three

author comment

rula and I have decided to keep the undiscovered list to zero

will you also join our group too...
my dear Esker
Yu and I have been read fully
all dues are now nil

author comment

ones older than a week
maybe 5 days ones if few

author comment

I think poems should stay on the list until there are three comments.
Two reasons.
Neopoet being a dedicated workshop environment, always has been, it is our Prime Directive, always will be, a poem is undiscovered until there is a dialogue, not just one comment.
Also because "critique don't comment". Going through the undiscovered list and leaving a comment rather than a critique does achieve something, at least the poet knows they have been read, a hits tally would do the same thing, it is really a band-aid approach, it doesn't fulfil Neopoet's purpose or meaningfully help the poet.

On the other hand, you three have probably caused more poets to come back and participate than anyone else. I applaud you and send you a great big weirdelf e-hug. Bless you.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

thank you and
Missed you
Hope ur improving
better best
take some rest

May you also be

author comment

I am feeling better, but as usual when I lose control and start abusing people I feel such shame that I just want to curl up foetal and hide from the world forever.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Glad to know that you are better......Jess,

I must confide in you
that you have laboured
to make a poet
out of a nondescript guy like me

.You will be still glad to know
many elsewhere still read me
daily, now with a glow!

Your blessings SIR, caps.

The world is a wonderful place
we all know....
friends we make
do come and go

but men like Jess
are born less,

the world ought to more process,
I guess .

Be meaning full to the world
till one does last
forget the rotten past..

tomorrow is a day of hope
with which all humanity must cope.

My regards Sir to you
do let me know if my poetry
really measures up to you
ere I bask in the sunlight of ignorance
where as in factuaity/actuality
I am a perfect poetic dunce/nuisance

My best wishes, Jess

author comment

but haven't I always admired the gems that appear? I don't see them all, of course, many have gone by un-noticed and un-read simply because I've been too busy or sick.
[shhh, whispers] you'll be pleased to know that you have a secret admirer. A young student of poetry perhaps.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

the young secret admirer ...of lovedly
loved actually

I would love to know
you know

Out in the wilderness
loved does reside
he never hides

the world he faces square
none can equal him
he does dare!

with all my regards
to all those
who love and care....

author comment

You say you do not hide well you should be glad that you are not of the Jewish leanings as these Porky pies would get you into trouble with the Rabbi, listen to the wind carrying your words:-

Out in the wilderness
loved does reside
he never hides

the world he faces square
none can equal him
he does dare!
I dare you to put your pic on your profile and a correct location,
or are you in with the CIA, lol.
Hide not young Bard behind the roses that we see, sometimes I look beyond and there he is trying to hide from me,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

You say you do not hide well you should be glad that you are not of the Jewish leanings as these Porky pies would get you into trouble with the Rabbi, listen to the wind carrying your words:-

Out in the wilderness
loved does reside
he never hides

the world he faces square
none can equal him
he does dare!
I dare you to put your pic on your profile and a correct location,
or are you in with the CIA, lol.
Hide not young Bard behind the roses that we see, sometimes I look beyond and there he is trying to hide from me,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

but you miss- the- interpret

author comment

I missed a flight once but another came along later lol,
Just a point my friend that you are too much of a recluse, and this could have been written about you lol
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

but why recluse and not anon? Ian

author comment

A recluse is someone that doesn't want to meet people outside of their environment,
Anon is the act of not wanting to be know yet doing something.
You are Loved by name and nature, so you shouldn't be either.
Come walk with us on this part of life's sojourn and let us know you as you know us.
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

Come walk with us
on this part of life's sojourn


let us know you
as you know us.

nice knowing you Ian

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(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.