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Neopoet Weekly 07/14/24 to 07/20/24 Winner

This week’s winner is Shelby Pryor with the following poem

Higher and Higher

I've been on my back lately
I haven't tried getting up
I've embraced the tears
But enough is enough

I won't just get up now
I'll rise like a Phoenix
Shaking the ashes off
The life that I'll fix

I will not be passive
It is time to ravage
The fear inside me
I'll attack like a savage

Wipe the blood from my lip
Dust the dirt off my hands
For victory belongs to the one
Who runs, not who stands

Fire comsumes my heart
Burning up all the pain
You might have crushed me
But it was not in vain

What destroys the others
Will not mar my skin
The scars are finally fading
My thread no longer thin

So watch my eyes ignite
Watch my steps shift
I'll treat my life not as
As a curse but a gift

I am done holding back
Living like a caged-up lion
I will keep getting up
When it feels like I'm dyin'

So give me back the pen
Only I can write my story
Every drop of blood spilled
Is another step towards glory

You can deliver a steep uppercut
But I'm a last round fighter
Even with you pushing me down
I keep flying Higher and Higher

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2024 1st Half Of The Yearly Contest

The Winner of the 2024 1st Half of The Yearly Contest  is MermaidMaster  with the following poem



In Another Life I Live Bravely

Submitted by MermaidMaster

I want to live in the tallest apartment in New
York City, and peer my gaping eyes through
my window to see only dancing beetles below.

I will wear expensive feathers and furs, I’ll
dance with strangers, and I’ll party for a while
with headliners after sold-out shows.

I’ll walk the streets wearing only perfume and
watch men stand agape as I strut past, too awed
at my nakedness proud and aglow.

I’ll rebel and I’ll wail and I’ll cry out,
“Change will come! Justice will prevail!”
And I won’t shut up until Change comes and goes.

I’ll play poker with CEO’s, and kiss strange men in taxis,
and spin through the nights like a globe on its axis;
to live with honeyed hi’s! And never with lows.

I’ll do pilates and yoga, drink only red wine,
and I won’t dwell on the men who used to be mine.
I’ll live fast and so furiously young,
and I’ll die gentle, soft and divine.



To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here


Neopoet Weekly 07/7/24 to 07/13/24 Winner!

This week’s winner is hippiemoon with the following poem


Coal Mine Canary

Submitted by hippiemoon

Do you know about coal mine canaries?
They used to take caged birds down into the coal mines,
And when they would die the workers would know to leave too.

Let me be a canary in your chest.
Let me live inside your rib cage,
Feel your heart beat for me,
Watch your blood flow through your veins.

Keep me safe next to your heart
And I’ll keep you safe from all that’s bad.

Use me as your compass,
I’ll tell you to run when things get hard.

Let me be your coal mine canary.
Let me sacrifice myself to save you from the inevitable.



To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here


This week’s winner is Candlewitch with the following poem



Submitted by Candlewitch

We mellowed...
reclining by the camp fire
after a day of splashing,
swimming, and water games.

I shivered as
evening came in to surround us
with a cooling breeze.
Your fisherman knit sweater
you placed about my shoulders,
staved off a slight chill.

Your glittering orbs
held me intoxicated.
As I felt the last of
the sun's rays
leach out of the sand

Quietly exchanging daydreams,
I noticed, wood-smoke, was
the color of your smiling eyes!


To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here


The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Online Vs. Off-line Love

He's a peanut, she's a butter
Anyways they loved each other
Online, offline, it didn't matter
On tablets, they kept up the chatter

It could have lasted for a century
As long as they had tablets to carry
Big brother was there, no need to worry
But what to do when you marry?

Just then they felt the real threat
Thus got to unplug the internet
Gave their love a sincere reset
Found the bonds grew stronger .. I bet.

Shadow fall!

The mind is amusing,
dark shadows will fall
The misty rain drizzling
will answer it’s call
The call of delusion
the thrill of a squall
Storms are now raging
inside of us all
We seek a sound answer
a sign for us all
The government trembles
down at town hall
Reflecting the tenor
of those wanting to brawl
There’s no peace among us
we’re foolish and small
Goodbye to our yesterdays
they’ll vanish by fall
If sin was enticing
we’ve answered its call
Banished and exiled,


I put the kids to sleep
just in time
for the first tear to fall


They said goldfish can grant you three wishes
But I'd only choose one
Maybe if that wish came true
You would spend time with me
Getting to know
The deaphts of my soul
My poetic being ,
My love for art that is created by words,
Remembering my favourite colour
And see everything in that hue,
The way I smile happily
Whenever I feel delighted,
Comforting me with a hug
Everytime I feel sorrowful,
If it doesn't come true
I might as well drown in the ocean
Or was it your eyes?

Abort Mission

Breathe in
And out
Do whatever it

Jump out of bed
Trip over my phone charger
Crash to the floor

Find my phone
Trying to call for help
Is there somebody there
Or am I a one-man army?

Fear at it again
Check my heart rate
Faster than a bullet train

Crawl to the couch
As I hear, "Are you okay?"
Slowly stand to my feet
The room steadies, no longer
A magic carpet ride

Grapple with love!

Looking through eyes
that shimmer like crystal.
Dancing through nights
under the moon.
You call to your love
your fire like a pistol.
She follows you home
to passionately swoon.
Engaged in embrace
you follow her gestures.
Grappling boldly
you offer her proof.
Finally succumbing
love ends with the rapture.
Resulting in paradox
that all ends too soon.

I (a youthsome, wholesome, jokesome, handsome,...

gamesome, chucklesome, bothersome,
and awesome modest fellow)...
does not deliberately court immortalization,
and wonders what criteria confer elevation,
exaltation, glorification, hero worship,
idolization, veneration, or worship.

I go about a daily humdrum routine
me, a twenty first century baby boomer,
who considers himself passé
and senses with sensibility
he would have been more at home
during the early nineteen hundreds.

How are You?

Come, grab a chair
Sit next to me
How are you?

Share the secrets
You whisper to silence
Open the vault
Of your soul

You are not a coward
Rather, a gladiator
That takes on
Whatever life
Throws at you

You walk into hurricanes
For those you love,
I dare ask what
Would you do for you

Do you eat the insults
As you digest the rejection
Without a complaint

I beg you to
Stop attacking
The man you are

Where do I put

All this feeling?

I long for silence
But,I hate it-
When it's from you.

Where do I put
My heart?
It beats too much.
Like, it's fighting.

But, when it crashes-
Against me,
For you;----
I drown in the pain.
Loving it.
Hating it.

Calm down little heart;--
He is on the way

Calm down little soul;---
Pain is better than oblivion

Those memories

Forgetting it all
Would be daunting
Thinking of you oblivating
All those memories
That are deeply interwoven
With all the parts of my soul and being
Clinging to me like an eerie shadow
That will never escape me
Would slowly steal
The last beat
Of my enchanted heart


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.