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We've been through the years of youth
with passions hot as any fire
when my skin was clear and smooth
and love was equal to desire.
I oft recall those days.

Later came the family years,
raising sons and still in love.
A time of laughter, sometimes tears
yet love won out push come to shove.
Together we went through that maze.

Now we're back alone once more,
children gone but love still here.
We barely glimpse that final shore.
Inevitably it draws near
as the future clears through thinning haze.

And I can see us growing old
helping each other cope with time,
warming each other in the cold
while we perfect our long life's rhyme
and passions reaches ember's phase.

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


Thanks. I appreciate your time to read and comment...........stan

author comment

it sure is nice to have someone
with ya ... good to see you Stan.

nice poem

I'll be glad when I'm all the way back with a new provider.And yes having a companion to grow old with is great. We both are getting over a bout of bronchitis and it's good to have somebody around to trade coughs with lol...........stan

author comment

to true love. And with good rhyme and rhythm too! You been taking some of those brain pills or something? LOL Nice to see that true love never dies. ~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I tried brain pills but body rejected them lol.Thanks for the visit.............stan

author comment

Push come to shove is a very well known expression and using it just as people are used to see it does not greatly contravene any basic laws of poetry (in my opinion, anyway).

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

Opinions should never be suppressed, however contrary they may appear. We learn from each other.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

As many different dialects and people as there are here there are bound to be different opinions. And I welcome them all. Thanks for the visit...................stan

author comment

Good to see you back. And the push come to shove line bothers me a bit also. Once I'm fully back on line I'll do something about it................stan

author comment
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