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Astral Projectors

Between wakefulness and sleep lies the barrier of our dreams,
Creating its contextual essences in the realities of its scenes,
With psychoanalysis we try interpret what the elements mean,
From the violent and traumatic to the beautiful and serene.

Yet deep in contemplation we can focus the energy of the will,
And give it the intention to heal and replenish or to harm and kill,
So caution I recommend and true wisdom I shall try to instil,
Our thoughts create dynamic motions in an eather frozen still.

When your control over your emotions is meditatively refined,
Your souls essences will connect into a so spirituality divine,
And through your subconscious aura in its energy so sublime,
Your being will truly flourish as the elements begin to align.

So observe that subtle point where your consciousness ends,
And through the dreamworld veils of Maya you will finally ascend,
Though first you must heal yourself and your mind must mend,
Then you will discover the astral projectors true nature my friend.

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Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Astral Projectors" presents a complex exploration of the metaphysical, blending elements of psychology, spirituality, and philosophy. The use of rhyme and rhythm is consistent and helps to create a sense of flow throughout the piece.

The poem's exploration of the boundary between wakefulness and sleep, and the power of dreams, is a topic rich with potential. However, the poem could benefit from more concrete imagery to help ground these abstract concepts. For example, instead of stating "Between wakefulness and sleep lies the barrier of our dreams," the poem might provide a specific, tangible image that encapsulates this idea.

The language used in the poem is quite complex, with phrases like "psychoanalysis," "contextual essences," and "subconscious aura." While this vocabulary adds a certain intellectual depth to the poem, it may also create a barrier for some readers. Simplifying the language or providing more explanation could make the poem more accessible.

The poem's message about the power of thoughts and emotions is clear and thought-provoking. However, the poem could further develop this idea by showing how it plays out in a specific situation or through a particular character. This would make the poem's message more relatable and impactful.

Finally, the poem's conclusion, which reveals the "true nature" of the "astral projector," is a bit vague. The poem could benefit from more clearly defining what this "true nature" is and why it's significant. This would provide a more satisfying resolution and deepen the poem's exploration of its central theme.

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