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hi all moms all over

Happy Moms Day
To all over the world
For moms living and in heaven
all smiles !!!!!
yeah s m i l e s !!!!

p o s h u n i t i o n z

Dig into the heat
the lair
the beast
smear the waves
with the waste to be

Invisible on the prowl
mending traits and licking

sniff the sniffs and
the tastes to sate
the skin tingling
the fur rippling

A Retrospective in Clay: Prologue

I remember that trip,
with the scooters,
and the soft laughter of the afternoon
as we explored a village
tucked into the memories
of a thousand years.

As the light crept through the plaza,
we stopped for coffee
and you spotted the shop.

It was a storefront,
older than my dreams of you,
and we walked over
to spend an hour
touching the history of lives
entwined with our hope,
and you picked up the bowl
and fell in love.

When fashion and decoration
conquer even the dinnerware,
I ask why?

Why should we care
if the dish is fine china,
bone china, or stoneware?

Does it really make
a difference if the plate is made of
the finest porcelain
or of the cheapest clay?

While the table cloth
and the fine floral painted plates
might pay for the beauty of the place
and please the sight

does a dish really buy the appetite?
I ask why?

The Silent Witness (Exploration WS free verse)

Past times once,
the table held
the remembered essence of
family laughter and sharing
meals made with a mother's love.

While she was alive,
the table was like a quilt,
keeping the monsters at bay,
forging a treaty against destruction.

But without her to tuck the corners,
to smooth the wrinkles,
to kiss the forehead gently
and wipe away the tears,
it became a blackboard;
detailing fault, listing blame,
and seeping them with the misery
of all the lost seconds.

true friendship all NEO'S

True friendship

Life given to human by the energy of creation
solar at the helm ,...we wander places
mostly lonely and face many adverse traces...

but then when we look up to the sky,
I don't know why ....a guy comes and stands by...
he is the apparition of the angels ....a friend who lends a hand
until our end
such emissaries from heaven.... unknown to human
make you feel the energy from above ....such friends then you love...

To couch it in unmistakable terms -
it's the lair of an untamed beast;
what a leaf does while fermenting
in a decomposing heap;
and the tool of a psychiatrist.

It's an indirect expression;
a bending of the head;
a lurking or a hiding,
with ambush imminent;
'tis when the sword is lowered for attack.

It's the frame the barley
is malted on
when brewing my favourite drink.

'Tis the board on which
the soggy pulp's
turned into paper sheets.

One Last Sigh

I brushed the fabric black fields
of heaven, ripping, a sliver of time
flashed lightning and unveiled
the universe speaking in one voice

With numbing relief I softly run
my fingers cross the firmament
feeling moments ripple in tune
with the song ringing in my bones

I sing with agony and pain
my only voice, I breathe in
bubbles of pure white light
but gasp with a tongue of hope
conversing in unspoken history


vermillion hot
tied up in knots
roar to the blaze
while a speed
wind past
hidden eyes

drizzled in Brandy

that knee shall heal
and the black
rises blue like a night
curves squeeze
the pains real
emotions feel

the ribbon hypnotic
spewing fears
every tear

plan every
on the twisted
of Melody


Dating Blues (May Contest)

Let me tell you the dating game can be tough
I know this is true because I had it rough

The first seemed decent to me
until I learnt she was once a 'he'
with the adam's apple clearly in sight
and a voice that gave me a fright!

Another was slim in cyberworld
and a body beautiful enough
and when I see her fats in real world
I can't run fast enough!

The third claimed to be shorter than me
and when we met, I wanted to cry
because she was a giant to me
and my confidence turned into a fly


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