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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


pot plant love

“You drowned me and I forgot to water you”
The last thing you said to me before you left
For the last time
And my friends still ask who
Are you and why
I am the way I am

I gave you my all
And im sorry that your lush roots liked mine shrivelled

Magic Cookies...

Baking "Magic" cookies today
staying nice, what it's all about
Start the stove, pre-heat that thing
get the ingredients out

Smell of sugar, flour, vanilla
Carmel drops and all things nice
I add the last ingredient
It's my one and only vice

Whir of mixer, relaxing
Heat of the stove, the oven
I'll get it all together
On baking pans and then...

Nice warm cookies, cup of tea
I feel the glow of magic
Couldn't be any better
My favorite cookies do the trick

All that you can be!

Our future grows within us
like leaves upon a tree.
Look beyond your finite view
into eternity.
Cast aside your paradigmn
open your eyes to see.
The truth as it exists,
in tommorrows yet to be.
Give your hopes and dreams
the power to suceed.
Release the gift within your heart
and bless humanity!
The time is here and now
to make a firm decree!
To make the most of what you have
be all that you can be!

The Lonely Road

what a life of a man'
amidst of thorns
as he journey afar
on a mission of provision
crossing rivers and miles
Lonely and never looks back
claws tearing him apart
he fixes the pieces back
want to cry but in silence
chills up in public
oh' what a life of a man.

Desert Wonders

The desert mesas and the monoliths
Where cactus soldiers take their stand,
Give forth their enchanted beauty
When the sun awakens on this land.

Native stewards lend their wisdom
With humble respect and quiet grace,
Reptiles seek the shade and shadows
Cactus Wrens fly from place to place.

Tumbleweeds roll on for many miles
On winds swept through canyon walls,
While morning gives way to light of day
The enchantment of the desert calls.

A love like ours

In a world where hearts are cold and weary,
Our love burns bright, so pure and cheery.
With every beat, our souls entwine,
A love so deep, it's almost divine.

Like a gentle breeze on a summer's day,
Our love whispers sweet nothings in every way.
In the darkest night, you're my shining star,
Guiding me through, no matter how far.

In your embrace, I find my peace,
A love like ours will never cease.
Through storms and struggles, we'll remain strong,
For you are where I truly belong.

Steely Dan sing queen (me)
outdid himself on sixtieth anniversary
after Grahame Wood
determined to meet
the evolving needs of the community
opened the first Wawa Food Market
in Folsom, PA, on April 16, 1964.

Today marked the sixth decade
since George Wood started
the Wawa dairy in 1902,
and it quickly became
a trusted name for fresh,
quality dairy.


April brings me hope
Refreshing my heart with love
Seeking one to share

Runaway brain

I hear it coming
my runaway brain.
The deafening thunder
like a long black train.
Caught like a shoe
under the track.
The wheels are turning
and there's no going back.
A thousand verbal options
like mental spittle.
Create a crescendo
at the bottom of a bottle.
I've nowhere to go
with nowhere left to stand.
Humiliation makes
a merciless demand,
but come tommorow
I will rise again.
To face another day
and do it all again!

April fool I was

In the month of April, a fool was born,
A jester of jests, with laughter torn.
Playing pranks with a mischievous grin,
Darling April fool, full of tricks within.

A dance of deception, a master of disguise,
In the realm of fools, you truly rise.
With a twinkle in your eye, and a skip in your step,
You lead us all on, with secrets well-kept.

Your laughter echoes through the springtime air,
As you weave your jokes with a flair.
A puppeteer of chaos, a creator of mirth,
You bring joy to the corners of the earth.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.