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the yearning

Ambiguous, hazy,
blurred by distance, is
a place of which
the mindfulness of total peace
haunts me.

And I am homesick,
but I don't know where home is.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


A lovely short piece, someone else wrote about being homesick the other day.
Your home though you are always yearning for a safe haven, it is there with you, your eyes may be looking for the wrong thing.

I lay beside my today
I let tomorrow wait a while.
This peace found each day.

There 'Twix sleep and wake

Dwelt a silence of the universe
I reach out and feel at home
I know there is where I shall be

Twix sleep and awake you see

My home is there so sweet for me
I rest in the arms of infinity
Where I can be one and always be

Twix sleep and awake you see..

Yours as always, Ian xx

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

but then 'tis for u to ensure
where ur heart is
home sweet home
let me come home
and my heart be
at home!

Here's mine.

Home to me
is where love blooms freely
sheltered by innocence,
the right to embrace myself
where I belong
and feel safe and sound.

Home to me
is where peace resides
and no one is a stranger
no hypocrisy, only truth.
No reasons to hate
no matter the race,
religion and skin colour.

Home to me
is where I find
a gathering
of family and friends,
relatives and lovers,
where tears and joy
are shared together
and there's always
a supporting pillar.

mayhaps I'll find one
in a woman's heart,
in the embrace of her arms,
in the gentle whispers
which touch my soul,
in the light of her eyes,
in the sweet sound
of her laughter,
in her acceptance, tolerance
and forgiveness for my flaws.
That home has yet to be found
but I'm not in a hurry
to seek for the temple of my heart
for the best thing is worth
waiting for...


the blurry perceptions all my life I studied of life
the road of life..

was and do stand and stare in the distance
im comfortable where I am
leaning sitting proper
or against a fence smoking a fag
in need of a shave
or all dolled up for my crawl through the
mall to espy the ladies eyes

thats where my home is
because should I die
and they stick me in the box
or elsewhere
I will be me
and what that is Is my home
i am everwhere lately
work..on the bike
mall..people see me everywhere
I spend time with people
minutes here minutes there
so part of me is Home with them
but utlitmetely I know that where
my feet head is
thats home

only in the last month since I turned
fifty one did all this make sense
still sad inside about many things
losses....etc...but a peacefulness
about this idea stole over me
im always as resltelss as the wind
anyway so where does the wind
call home...
it just is
and thats its home
like me

I just is

thanks Judy a great poem!

is the planet we came from.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

To return to that elusive home of the past.......we almost all seek to do so or at least re-create it but the problem is we've forgotten how.........stan

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