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spontaneous girlie... love small i to indicate i am shy

Lovely girly

I have not had
much similar experience
but i remember

once i sat next to a very beautiful girl
years ago
mistakenly touched her
with my elbow

she yelled miss
miss said

i said sorry
she smiled and said
nothing amiss

i sighed and she smiled
but that was years
down the road

when i was young
not too old
but my
she was bold
as I was then cold

but to date
to her I'm sold
where has she gone
only heaven knows
'twas years ago
i was young
she not too old
six plus decades
have since rolled

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


constructs the rules...rituals of behaviour...standing..
equality.....I remember reading about Rome..just before it fell all apart
a senator stood up and said the Toga was undemocratic as no one
could tell if You slapped a slave or an Upper citizen!
all this while the Gauls had had enough bullying and drove into town
Mad Max style!! all the rules and films on etiquette and schools for
proper boys and girls....the anti communist...anti liberty....anti free not free people from not let women votes
jobs..repress the immorals...jail anyone not fitting into that dream
at that time....and they did...White gloves and opening doors..
suits and short hair...Polite and civil....if you were not
snarls and slammed doors...studied and denied...
jeered and sneered.....but the years was still like that..
the calm serenity of that crazy order....But...women!
Bold! regardless of era...there are women who are just bold
I met the modern curtsey girls! batting eyelashes...couldnt
believe they still do this! I love that....But then....I am drawn
as my mother the Ummm....hmm.proper words here..
Very strong women! they..are ... strong..bust things!!!

That you recall such an encounter is not amazing
they are not more anyone who wants
to be effeminate....they have drive!
needs and wants that are going to be met!
Yes they leave an impression!

Your poem about touching elbows
or rubbing elbows reminds me of the old
ways of contact and intiation of converse
the sly old school methods
the hustle..the grist..
the grift..

fond memories!
Thank U like always for the
creative verve of your writing!
and distinct voice

Mr Wolf!

fondness is a love word
I was nubile then
she was from

a different world
beautiful as a new born butterfly
which daily
in front of our eyes flies
their life is short
not our memories

they die in flames of candle
we die in arms of flames

so let it be
life is a long thrill
experience alone
happy memories wills

thanks Mr WOLF
hope you have no intention
to scare me with your name ..

Haha ,
now i am on the other side of the fence
beneath dry grass about to be lit
by the candle flame
which still allures
all women and butterflies
as usual..
thank God
I am not living in an illusion
of sexual in-animation

'''''''''fond memories!
Thank U like always for the
creative verve of your writing!
and distinct voice....''''

author comment

I was thirteen? my sister and mother
whom always decided what I would
wear for halloween! They decided to
dress me as a female nurse!
Being the good sport I was and terrified
of the two rather gnarly female Godesses
in our family had no choice...
I wanted to see what they would come
up with! They had all the outfit between
the two....My sister was a registered nurse
eventually and very beautiful...My mother
was good looking and worked as a nurse
assistance.....They were both so excited
about this and as I say...I wanted to see
what they would come up with!
so like any stage set....and Ive always been
an actor..trickster of sorts...I let them have
their Joy...Now my mother had cancer
double masectomy in seventies....
saved her life...gave her twenty years...
I adored my brilliant sister....put herself
through nursing school..was a hard assed
and via her I like the same things she likes
today...She has motorcycles with her hubby
and rides to Sturgis North Dakota..
likes plane..Nuke stuff...worked as a trauma
nurse in this city till it got to her..
yadda yadda...
so twelve...they put a wig on...(from moms
chemotherapy times) the nurse hat
pinned watch....white top..padded bra
white skirt..white nylons...white orthopeadic
shoes...make up....
name tag...."Miss Priss"
now not everyone ever goes in drag
cops do it..some people love it!
Movies have fun with it...
At that time I passed as a female!
and during the whole halloween
dance...(I was paired with Shelley White
dressed as a Mummy for my "patient")
one of the town horndogs crazy came
over...and the Brownies leader Mrs
Robinson came and advised me kindly
that Proper and nice ladies crossed
their legs when sitting!

it was quite the show!
years later I met very masculine
people who dressed as women
and women who assumed the
Male in couples and partnerships
most of these people had good
intel on what was going on
because they worked in city hall
or goverment jobs title searching
they were all brilliant and I love

I quit halloween after that experience as an "actor"
that was interesting!

I did spend time years later
with women...they let me watch
them get ready...put on their
make up..let me help them
dress for the day...ask my
opinion...make me make
their dinners...
paint their toe nails
massage them
so much work
they get paid less
Dont get the respect
like Me the Man does
a tough job being
the lesser sex!

why they are Bold!
some of them!
and I hung out with
nothing but the brilliant
and the bold!

your poem reminded me
of all that!

best part of our town
halloween dances was
you got a bag of great
candy at the end of it!

I did it for the candy!!

Thank U
Mr Wolf!

Oct Nov, may be
are very sweet and soft

and if they are born in July
they love and behave like girlies

later ask me why
and I shall tell no lies
all gals love to lay
as Cancerians also love to lie
and lay!
games all humans play
all life's way
at 90 also those who do
Live upto

author comment
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