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The Sea

The sea
It is another world
From lying on a sandy beach
To far horizons out of reach
Then fades and falls
Like many men
That leave and then return again

From surface
Neither smooth nor still
Betraying depths imaginable
From coast to curving coastal line
Encasing space and light and time

She gives me hope
And sadness too
With powers old
Yet strong and new
Restores in me
My former self
Her twinkling diamonds
And heaving stealth

Editing stage: 


the lines look rather unwieldy and the rhythm should be strained; but I fell into a regular pattern and it read smoothly. Yes, there are men that follow the sea and they will not be seduced to stay at home, by great beauty or riches, the sea is the only love for them. I can understand it, but I'm a "Landlubber " at heart. I loved the rhyme and near rhyme that didn't make the rhythm stumble. Really nice. ~ Geezer.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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