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The melodies flow like a magic spell
through my veins
and my soul languishes
to hear them again,
a sweet sadness fills me
to near dying….
everything is lost.
Time has hidden me away
into dark places
I mourn the years Death
has taken from me
and the music I used to be.

Editing stage: 


the music...
we are

Thank U!


author comment

Esker say it all, i agree totally. Regards Roscoe...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

Bless you all. Thanks for the en coragement, my friend.

author comment

you still are ...Joe
one who reverberates
through the sweeping
strains of moments
forms ripples as chimes
in the imaginary dying motion of times
time doesn't die
it only just says good bye
silently unobtrusively passes by
to that luring distance
over the sun
setting horizon
but has it set really
it has risen
albeit elsewhere
we alone in memories dwell
time cautiously does spell

so BEAUTIFULLY said, my poet friend.

author comment

which ignites
my poetic heart

O Poet

who thou art?

Tell me ere we depart
a life of vision
from a distance
the galaxy presents
and I silently listen
as my key board taps a word
a word
not even by me heard
yet it speaks loudly!
O Lord of the poetic universe.

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.