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Evil pt. 2

My reality is meant to be shared for me
Because I realize who I dare to be
A man to face the evils of my choices
More so willing to ignore the peoples voices
That I think I hear, letting it guide me to drink for years
To numb the pain of everyone else
Judging myself based on how everyone felt
I let them give me a new pair of shoes
Though I had an old soul, my point of view
Was terribly misinformed, a man similar to a woman scorned
It's pitiful stooping as low as doing rituals
Before bloodshed, prideful that my love is dead
Now I'm lost asking the same higher power
To save me from continuing to cower
Hiding behind the lust of taking a woman,s flower
Or a man's pride or a child's joy
Or standing by blasphemy, praying the bible destroyed
No wonder why I'm whom they avoid
I know no better, spiritually I'm a solo heckler
Out of disappointment and fear
Of being vulnerable and potentially the career
Of a great leader, teacher, or guide
Through unfamiliar terrain, yet the evils have me in chains
Going deaf, blind, and silent
Whenever it's witnessed, I'm just as guilty of violence
Having to take things as they are
Is like accepting how I think is way too far-fetched
Seeing the light has my heart stressed
Though the evils say that I'm not quite out of the dark yet

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 


with great lines
Solo Heckler...
thats awesome
the pain and angst
from this poem comes

im old so my old quote
is from a poet from the
sixties who died young
But he said
"I've been down so goddamn
long...that it looks like up too me"
he sang the blues even though
he was very privilidged...
I lived the hard bottom for a time
I dont think I will escape the soul
and mental bottom but aside of
that....I exist..therefore I can!

and sometimes the pressure
and wild electricity of whats
stored up slithers and snaps

Thank U!

Thank you

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