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Betrayal (a poem for veteran's day eve)

I am angry
Not just pissed, but disappointed too
No longer exploitable
No longer young
Awareness has overtaken
Naivety of youth

Mind works faster now
Surer now
As body slows down

Lied to
By my government
That does so with impunity

No one to blame
In liars hall of shame
but them all
Running my Mother into the ground
Stealing Her resources for wars
Thinking they will never be caught

Sons of syphilitic rodents --
No antibiotic will cure their malady
Lies have no cure but truth

Rulers know young
Will believe bullshit offered up
On tin plates for food
Told it is Prasad --
Served on finest china

“Here, take this gun;
Point at whom we tell you to.”
“You are defending your freedom~~
Our way of life.”
Euphemism for murder of
Weaker, poorer

So bean-counters
Sleazy politicos
Their cronies can have more than
Their share of life they tell
Young they defend with their flesh
Their immature minds and thoughts
Believe the prevarications, until they wake
From the lies, then too late --

While old men plot
Young who have never shaved~~
Virgins dressed in uniforms
Crawl through mud, duck behind
Sandy hills -- watch tracers light in night skies
Kill other young
As grey beards finish another feast
Paid for with other sons' blood
No feeling, no remorse, no guilt
Just machinations of artifice practiced,
Perfected betrayal techniques
Through centuries of deceit --

That work still without fail.

Where is the feast they promised
Us? rotting in their guts
Excreted on our faces
“Sweet music, listen” they said.
Nought but discordant sound
Equivocations make, trumpets braying
One sour note without care

Cadence of marching feet
Rifles dig in to young shoulders
“Ruck-up,” they say with sardonic smiles
“You’re going to love this -- true adventure.”

Murder is not adventure
Betrayal is rape of the mind

It will happen again and again
While new soldiers have just been
Sweet scented spring of youth
Soon to be deluded with lies.

Style / type: 
Free verse



"their are many thousands of people who would understand"

Try around 25,000,000. That is about the number of veterans there are in the US alone, not to mention other countries.

Thank you very much, dear.



"When a pickpocket meets a holy man all he sees are his pockets."

Unknown (at least to me)

author comment

Not being a veteran myself ( I assume you are ) I can not truly relate to the feelings of being misled that you must have. This is a powerful condemnation of the military-industrial complex......scribbler

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