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A Beach Party (Digit in USA)

Having a link beyond others graves
Digit temporary curtailed his killing ways
It would be easy to carry on later you know
an appointment with like friends just to show

A beach party he had for them to attend
From Washington he flew in great haste
Canoe Island lodge seemed to be the place
In the middle of the moons last phase.
Just enough light for them to graze.

Digit had a lot of preparing to do
Long pig was on the menu, not a stew.
A small beach with foot clinging sand,
A broad smile as he walked the land
Moonlight fading silvered the place.

Here his friends would come to feast
Killer and Nevermore to say the least.
Wood thrown up cold and white.
Would make a fire to fill the night.
Then the menu he had to prepare.

Just a night or so they would be there.
A clearing just off the sandy line,
He and his friends would soon dine.
Digit noticed during the next day
A Pig came in for a week’s stay.

The long pig was waiting good and fresh.
I know beef you hang for a week or so
Long Pig a treat you, just kill, and eat
Digit had fallen in love with the meat.
A part of his life, this path he had to go

Nevermore had known the score,
Digit saw her sunning on the shore.
All we needed was Killer to arrive.
To talk there would have been a no,
We had to kill, eat talk, and go.

Killer was soon spotted at the bar,
a lean man sporting a large fine scar.
Not drinking, eying up those standing there.
“Welcome my friend” Digit said to him,
a distant look was all, apart from a cold grin.

The trio had made their rendezvous.
The evening came and a walk was due
Digit led, the others followed him soon.
A casual word spoken in passing by.
No need to connect with the others eye.

The waning moon sank slowly away
in the darkness they made their way.
The selected beach was just the thing
Sitting close on the beach that night,
A chance to talk of each other’s plight.

First to relate was our lovely Nevermore
talking of her bad times from years before.
Then a peace settled over the three.
The two seasoned killers they nearly cried
at the year in year out torment she did hide.

They talked of better things a while.
Then Killer started, this made them smile,
Flashing knives, bodies so many gone.
A spree that eclipsed the other two,
the others had to be careful they knew.

Digit took his turn, another world to learn.
Where parents had a young mind to burn.
Lovely people to the hereafter did go.
At the whim of this now mindless soul
he killed them both without any feeling.

When and who would make this kill
they knew it wouldn’t be done for a thrill
so they combined their ways just so.
Nevermore would tempt the pig to the beach.
The other two saw the task within reach.

That evening as the darkness came
at the bar seemingly without shame
Nevermore enchanted the menus meat.
Out onto the beach to hide from view
Killer asked Digit to carry out the kill.

Muttering about American goodwill
Digit smiled as he moved in for the kill..
It was sweet, a dark glistening blade.
Moving to the place where Nevermore rested
the pig at her side, she wasn’t interested.

They gathered their food with a sort of pride
Carrying the pig away to the clearings hide
the three knew it was now time to eat.
Clearing the tracks from off of the beach
the fire crackled, flames to the stars did reach

For the stop over pig on the beach down there,
if he was missed there would be such a scare
No one would look for him that night.
The next day if they found the remains.
scorched bones some burnt flesh, no brains.

Digit took his usual trophy of the day
a pinkie cut off that to most would say
Digit had arrived and was now at home.
Killer just smiled, and let him be.

Someone else had paid you see.
The trio feasted throughout the night
in the morning they would take flight.
Nevermore, Killer, and Digit knew the score.
The meeting had brought them new friends.

Yet a cure for each, there was no end.
They would part as good friends.
A killing trio, as bad that has ever been,
Holidaying together on a beach so clean,
They finished their meal, and said farewell.

Keep watch, for this trio they are not done,
They may strike near you before they're done. Nevermore of Carrie fame a girl of slight frame.
Killer from a guy called Gee, if seen you must flee.
then Digit from Yenti all he wants is stew you see..

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Last few words: 
Carrie and Gee have their killers so I thought I would let them "meat" on a beach in the USA, just wonder if they ever found the body of the Policeman???LOL Yours Digit, who would love to have you round for dinner.
Editing stage: 


Quite a tale told here. So glad that Digit came for a visit.That bad cop, didn't know what hit him!
Nevermore had just the right parts of beguilement and craftiness. Killer wanted to make sure that Digit had a good time and got his trophy along with a good meal. A fine time was had by all. I liked the rhyme and wished that the tale could go on forever. Thank you for coming to visit. There are a few lines that could be shortened up, to make the flow a little better, but all in all, nice work. ~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

there is a whole series of Digit, maybe they were to nasty to put on stream lol.
Thanks for your visit I had quite a bit of fun with the serial killer series, Digit came to the states and went on a spree, this one was where he wanted to meet, Killer and Nevermore, the place he chose exists out there some place cant remember where.
I wrote a couple of epics, and this was part of one.
Remember when Wesley ran the workshop it hasn't closed yet, I wrote about Cata S Trophe (Catastrophe) a stone mason who lived for ever, from the old Buddha times through the Mayan calendar, to present days, over 120 Stanzas but to put them on Neopoet stream would fill a few pages.
I have put them on my web site and have hard copies, but t is a lot of work..
I am doing the Cell Phone at the moment as a fun thing so it will take a few days extra lol,
Take care my friend and it is great to walk with you again,
Yours Ian..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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