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wesley snow's blog

New Workshop

It has been a year and a half since we last ran a workshop concerning… meter.

Now, don’t run off. Let me have my say.
The workshop Rula and I have in mind is simpler than you might expect. To begin with it will be held in the Wading Pool. This will be meter 101. All four of the major metric forms will be used, but not all at once.

The romantic period began around the late 18th century
and characterized art throughout the 19th. It concerned itself with the plight of the common man in relation to nature and the natural world. Previously, in the baroque period it was all about the monarchy, the nobility. Romanticism was all about the artist being an individual instead of being sponsored by a nobleman. Hence, the image of the starving writer still plying his art.

By way of thank you.

Storytelling in Verse: A Study in Pink is closed and I had to thank everyone for their participation.
It was not only the weirdest workshop I've ever been involved in, it was also one of the most enthusiastic.

In closing this I want to quote Raj (he's given me permission).

Wesley, Rula & Barbara,

Collaborative workshop

We are a go. Please visit the main thread at the syllabus.

Dramatic Verse Workshop

This is to let anyone who is signed up for the workshop, but not yet on the main thread to please join us. Because Rula and I have a full roster at this time I have decided not to wait until the start date of Sept. 7, but to begin tomorrow on the third.
See you there.

An open invitation.

Stan has given me the go ahead to run a workshop I have wanted to hold for some months now.
In "Dramatic Verse" I will be inviting participants to write and critique what is known as "Closet Drama", a monologue or play (in verse or otherwise) that is meant to be read and not performed.

Storytelling in Verse: A Study in Pink.

Odd title for a poem, is it not?

Let me explain.

Ellipsis... the little dots.

I forgot where this conversation was being held, so I thought I would just throw it out there in a blog.
Technically, an ellipsis (...) is used to replace an omitted word or phrase (never at the end of a sentence or quotation).
Loved and I abuse it mightily. I use it to create an over indulgent... um... pause.
Grammatically it is a no... no, but it's my English and I'll "ellipsis" if I want to.
Now, none of the rest of you are allowed to abuse it.
Just Loved and I. We're special.


In “Seven Types of Ambiguity”, William Empson describes the ambiguity of a line from Shakespeare’s Sonnet 73.
“To take a famous example, there is no pun, double syntax, or dubiety of feeling, in-
‘Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.’

Someone else's thoughts on Phonaesthetics.

The Tolkien comment cited in the Leslie Jones biography is from his essay "English and Welsh", originally the O'Donnell Lecture given at Oxford on 21 October 1955, and reprinted in The Monsters and the Critics.


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