Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Upcoming workshops

I want to take a moment and discuss two workshops in the preparation stage that will be starting soon.

Beginning on the eighth of June (or thereabouts when we can pull her fingers from her hair… the workshop is rather ambitious) China Blue (Chrys to her friends which are legion) will be holding a “study and participation” workshop addressing the great 19th century poets of the world.

I hope you will have a look at the syllabus. It will be held in the Shark Pool due to the complex nature of the shop, yet still it is open to any and all who desire to learn more of where our poetry came from.

Following, Stan will begin the second in his three part series “Titles, Beginnings and Endings”. It will discuss how to open a poem for its greatest effect from the very first line through the initial exposition.

This syllabus is not yet been posted.
I invite all to come and benefit.

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