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Happy Holidays From Candlewitch and Unca Fez - 2023

I cannot post the content of the letter here, but I can provide a URL for it.

Happy Holidays!


You done good with the photos!

Your, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

What a lovely letter! Hope the next year holds lots more wonderful poetry, and no more horrible falls.
All the best,

I didn't know this was here until you told me about it Cat.
I enjoyed the pictures and the stories of your clowder, cluster, clutter, glaring, pounce of cats. It must be lovely to have cats that sit on your knee and allow you to stroke them. We always had cats and dogs when I was a child.
I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles, and I hope your new shower room is as good as it sounds. We had ours done in 2018, and it has made life easier.
Take care and stay safe, I hope the toe mends fast. Ruby :) xx

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

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