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Seren's blog

I hope you have an absolutely amazing birthday filled with whatever you wish for. I know Steven will take care. I know I am a little early but Im going to be quiet. Hugs

Much love always


To our dear darlin Candlewitch Happy Birthday to you!!!

I wish you the happiest of birthdays sweetheart!!

You're such an integral part of Neopoet and I know that you're adored & loved by us all.

I hope Steve spoils you rotten!!
And I also hope your day is as special as you are!!!

I wish you joy in the year ahead!!!

Love you very much Lilbit xox

Ian Thomas Howard
1942 - 2020
Died on 28th October 2020 at 17:10.

He wrote under the names of Yenti and Sparrow as well as his own name.

Help !!

Just started a poem for the March comp and I have totally lost my mind how do I enter it in the comp I am brain dead from grief ... please help a girl ? hahaha I feel like a idiot I used to run the frigging things lol

love x

Prolonged Absence

Hello Everyone,

Hello !!!

Its been way too long between drinks for me here but I wanted you all to know I'm returning in the next day or two, I have kept to myself didn't want to be a whinging Aussie, So I battled through sickness only to have to have emergency surgery last Thursday on my spine again, I'm doing great, its going to be a couple of weeks in recovery so I will be around more.but.


I have a backlog of poetry to edit so I will be starting to edit in the next few days I will try not to flood the site activity and keep it to a couple a day...If it annoys please don't hesitate to let me know

Jayne x

Just a Hello

I have missed some really great poetry over the last few weeks, I will be around tomorrow reading and leaving any suggestions I can offer its nice to be back again :) If you want a hand with anything just leave me a message or PM me

kind regards and love Jayne-Chloe


I will be away for a couple of weeks
I will post when I can and read when
I get time ....

I've missed being around can't wait
to get back

Love Jayne-Chloe

Happy Australia Day

To all our Australian members have a joyful and safe celebration, its pouring down with much needed rain at the moment so our celebrations are taking place indoors this year

take care

Love Jayne-Chloe xxx


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