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medes879's blog

A Salute To The Late Tammy Faye Bakker

As did the late "Tammy Faye Bakker" did so shall I extend an olive branch blessing to both the gay and bisexual community abroad. Stop the senseless hatred that many have given them. In the bible sin is described as actions in which humans rebel against God. Miss there true purpose for their lives follow the prince of the air more then God cause their deeds were evil. Jesus would never judge anyone just like many Christian church goers do. One needs a heart that is saturated with truth in order to withstand the true test of time.

Lightning & Thunder

We each search for what allows from within,
Base our existence from a door bell ring...
Changes, we make through the ancient birth core of relief
We all go through changes;
Some of us Vape to get through its pain ?
Lightning & thunder
another door bell rang.,
Some have cement shoes another chance to sing the blues
Carry on with a song to walk that extra mile
It goes to show having been written in the stars
We can always change to fit in the theatre of its insane moments to go
Love has to sift one through a straw

God Who ?

I hear people say that God has been kicked out of government, school and the public marketplace. But how is that possible? He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent ... He is everywhere at once! In the Bible King David says, "where could I run and hide from you? If I ascend to the heavens you are there. If I sail beyond the sunrise you are there. Even if I descend into hell, I will find you there." So who and what could kick God out of anywhere? He is the breath of every soul, the power of every government, and owns every space on this planet.

A change of course in midlife

According to Hindu teaching, the period of early adulthood is a time when a man is very much in the center of activity. Gandhi was certainly a prototypical Indian householder in this sense.


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