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Kailashana2's blog

extemporaneous dance of the peacocks

a rock hath no weight of its own
except when carried on the back
of one's denial,
then of course, even Atlas
peacock feathers molt
(and fall)
and then what have you
except a scroungy-looking bird
worth less than two in the bush
and one if by land
on the other hand,
a dimwit by fog
is no better than candlelight
dinner for two,
but who's eating crow
who's picking yer bones
and minding yore head?

a poem by Deng Ming Dao

From nonduality hightlights #4247

Even in sleep, write a poem.
When waking, write a poem.
While loving, write a poem.
Even voting, write a poem.
When angry, write a poem.
While dreaming, write a poem.

The sages say quite seriously that those who wish to know Tao
should cultivate the poet in themselves.

~ Deng Ming-Dao

I think we all need to be reminded that we're not alone and the world isn't against us.


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