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Fairy Stories or Nursery Rhymes, for reference humour in poetry
Just a few headings of rhymes for children if anyone is lost for fairy Stories or Rhymes..
A cat came fiddling
•A Frog He Would
A Wooing Go
•A wise old owl
•As I walked by myself
•As I was going to sell my eggs
•Baby and I were baked in a pie
•Barber, barber, shave a pig
•Birds of a feather
•Bonny Lass
•Bowl away, bowl away
•Bye, Baby Bunting
•Cackle, cackle Mother Goose
•Cobbler, cobbler mend my shoe
•Cocks crow each morning
•Curley Locks
•Daffy Down Ditty
•Dear, what can the matter be
•Diddly, diddly dumpty.
•Draw a pail of water
•Duck and a drake
•Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betsy and
•Elsie Marley
•Five little sisters
•For every evil under the sun
•Georgy Porgy, pudding and pie
•Goosie, Goosie, Gander
•Hannah Bantry
•Hark, hark, the dogs all bark
•Hector Protector
•Here sits the Lord Mayor
•Here we go up, up, up
•Hey Diddle Diddle
•How Many Miles
To Babylon ?
•Hush a bye baby
•I had a little husband
•I had two pigeons bright and
•I saw a ship
•I see the moon
•If all the world were apple pie
•If wishes were horses
•It was Tommy who said
•Jack and Jill
•Jack Sprat
•Jolly Boys
•Jumping Joan
•Little Betty Blue
•Little Bo-Peep
•Little Lad
•Little fishes in a brook
•Little Tommy Tittemouse
•Lucy Locket
•Man in the moon
•Mary had a little bird
•Oh where has my little dog gone
•Peter piper picked a peck
•Pipe thee high
•Pippin Hill
•Pussy - cat Mole jumped over
•Rain, rain go away
•Rock - a - bye baby
•Saint Dunstan, as the story goes
•School is over
•See, saw Marjory Daw
•See saw, sacradown
•See, see, what shall I see
•Shall I sing
•Sing a Song Of Sixpence
•Six little mice sat down to spin
•Sleep baby, sleep
•Smiling girls, rosy boys
•Somewhere Town
•Sukey, you will be my wife
•Tell Tale Tit
•Terence McDiddler
•The greedy man is he who sits
•The King of France went up the
•the Queen of Hearts
•There was an old woman
•There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe
•There's a neat little clock
•Thirty days hath September
•This little piggy
•Three Men In A Tub
•To Market, to market
•Tom, Tom
•Tom, Tom The Piper's Son
•Tommy Snooks
•Wee Willie Winkie
•Wine and cakes for gentlemen
Good luck all of you, Yours Ian.