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Mother's Day Image Prompt Contest

Mother's Day Image Prompt Contest

Please read the following poems

And vote below.

Voting ends May 26th 2024

Mum... You and I

By: Rula


Together we witnessed time ebbs and tides:

we went through ups, we went through downs,

yet luckily we got each other's sides,

you and I, you and I.


Together, unwillingly, we grew old,

with devestating wrinkles, and white hair.

We both raised families, yet we're still bold

You and I, you and I.


Together we laughed, together we cried:

I uplifted your spirits, you got my tears wiped,

we stayed together, side by side,

You and, I you and I.


Together we lived for worse and better,

until Alzheimer's stole you, my bank of love,

although you promised to stay forever

You and I, you and I.


My Gold

By Mr joghe


In whom I spent my old days and nights,

Who rocked me in my cradle;

And fed my pretty mouth with a spoon,

Did weep while I should weep.

How much will I pay

For the pain you’ve taken for me?


Who worked that jumper to keep me warm;

Treated me with diffidence and respect,

Her healthy arms always be my stay,

And always admired my prudent face that filled with laughter.

How much will I pay

For the pains you’ve taken for me?


Who tired me with apology for being tiresome,

And asked twenty questions and never waited for an answer.

My timidity struck her at the first sight;

When she taught me to expect something extraordinary.

How much will I pay

For the pains you’ve taken for me?


I find such a pleasure

In obeying her commands,

That I take care to observe;

Shall soon come to bless me.

How much will I pay

For the pains you’ve taken for me?


I vow, I thought so;

Never, as among queens and princesses

In her age; to be explicit,

I’ve kept very little company

In pretty smooth dialogues with her.

How much will I pay

For the pains you’ve taken for me?


Vote Here

Thank you for your participation!

Neopoet Weekly 05/12/24 to 05/18/24 Winner!

This week the Neopoem is


Mosquitos Suck!
  By William Lynn


Congratulations to William Lynn for racking up another contest win!

Neopoet Weekly 05/05/24 to 05/11/24 Winner!

This week the Neopoem is

Ways of loving by  Terumi Sakurai

Let us congratulate Terumi Sakurai on their first win as a neopoet member.

About Contests

There have been some changes to the about contest page
To take a look visit

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



When your gaze
Catches mine,
I yearn for fleeting moments
To become eternal ones,
For every gaze
To become memorable.

But then,
I remember that
Each passing moment,
I ache to share my thoughts
With you.
Yet my words are unheard,
Like whispers
Carried away by the wind.


If you are a starving poet
And don’t have enough to eat
There’s a special kind of program
That’s design to help you cheat

If you have writer’s block
And lost all inspiration
Artificial intelligence
Is better than self insemination

AI has supplanted our souls
Like a weak and bloodless heart
Hardening the arteries
Artifice fucked up our art

So come meet your new assistant
Here to help you plagiarize,
Let me thieve some precious words
Like a genius in disguise

The mermaid

I saw a dream
it was a girl
who swam across
the sea of love

she was a mermaid
she sang a song
for people to know
and feel welcome

I swam myself
without an effort
I went closer
to hear her song

She kept a baby
inside a trolley
it seemed a mix
of human and fish

She held it in her arms
and sang to it
a happy song
a nice melody

I asked her about the song
She replied with lyrics
"Love is the answer
to every question"

Homemade Peach Cobbler (Romance Contest)

It's not always
Candlelit dinners,
Red roses,
Dresses and suits...

It's him pressing his leg against mine
Underneath the table.

It's making homemade peach cobbler
Or curled up in bed with a book

It's late night trips to no where,
Just to drive and listen to music

It's a tent and a campfire
In the backyard

It's those "just because" moments
That keep the romance alive.


For freedom's torn and tattered wings
I'd give the ransom of a king
I'd offer all to walk away
and sing its song for just a day
To move again, among the crowds
within the sound that rings aloud
In fear of men's reproach no more
viewing heavens open door


I loved you my whole life
With all of me
And I'll keep loving you
Even with all this agony and pain
And I'll wait for you until
The stars fade
The rivers turn dry
And the mountains crumble into dust
The sun refuses to shine
The moon loses its glow
The universe goes dark
I'll wait for you
Until the last breath escapes me

A perfect poem

A perfect poem

Precious in its language use and flamboyant
Earthy it grounds me to the fluffy fertile soils
Reeking pleasantly the airs of joy, I am spoilt
For every word is a hiss of moist,
Edging towards point where my heart is oil
Creeps in my juggling bones, a spiraling cold
To this wonderful piece, I am owned, I am sold

Priss to describe this joint,
Oke that mends my soul,
Ever be my toned
Mesmerizing wonderful milestone

New lights

Before my eyes snow was twinkling,
An ethereal view, raining
The peak of the mountain takes its white coat
As eagles gather above
I'm hypnotized, lost in my tracks
Falling into a neverending crack
Until eventually a bird start singing,
And my eyes slowly start blinking.

A Tribute To The Hero

The guard that attended to us
Stood in combat to defend us
In death’s dark desert wild
Where delight abate
I’ve missed him like a music.

Through dust of conflict and battle flame
His knightly virtue proved
His memory hallowed in the land he loved
Where death is sitting
All skill, knowledge and powers
And the smile upon his cheerful faces
I’ve missed him like a music.

Bully me, yours truly
never ordained, gifted, or blessed
with mien mean characteristic
evoking, jump/kickstarting,
representing, nor zapping
friend or foe courtesy fiery intimidation
if anything aura, charisma, dogma, and karma
emanating, issuing, and oozing out
body electric of one heretofore bookish fellow
immediately facilitates characterization
hashtagged lucubration and manifestation of quietude.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.