Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

October 2023 Contest Winners!


Monthly Contest Halloween

won by Paleoray with the poem Just Move On To The Next House

Halloween Image Prompt Contest

Won by Geezer  with the poem  The Skeleton of the Pumpkin Man

October 2023 New Member Contest

Won by  M. Browne with the poem  Perception's Lie

October 2023 Challenge Write a poem about the street where you grew up.

Won by Geezer with the poem Main St. USA

October 2023 Challenge Write a poem about being caught in a rainstorm.

won by Lavender with the poem Storm

October 2023 Challenge Date night with Freddy Krueger

Won by RoseBlack with the poem Fabulous Freddy

October 2023 Challenge: The monster under my bed

Won by Tawny023  with the poem Come out of there

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