Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Election Results

We would like to cordially welcome the new members of the Administrative Council (in alphabetical order):

Rett, Chair
Ron (BlueDemon77)

Please join us in congratulating the new AC and wishing them the best for the upcoming term.


Thank you. I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things and it is looking like I will be working with a top notch crew.

"If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed. " Ben Franklin

we are in for some changes with and i promise changes alongside Ron and rett i am happy to say we will bring something better than congress lol great to see a community voting for its own. and it is my distinct privilege taking part in democracy

for taking this on
all the best
love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

to all. Wish you and Neo poet all of the success.
Congratulations all!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Good luck !!!

Now is there a chance of having a bye election for one of our poet girls to keep you blokes in line.???? She could always be outvoted 3-1 lol..
I only asked, just wonder if the new AC could vote one on LOL.
Well done all, you have my full support, Yours, Ian. T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

Since the dawn of time, I don't think any male has truly won an argument with a female and lived to tell the tale. ;)

"If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed. " Ben Franklin

The wife agrees with you and that's a damn site more than I get, LOL.
Thanks for all you do, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

I think it's just the staying power...hehe.


Blue Demon77

"What I want is to be what I was before the knife,
before the brooch pin, before the salve, fixed me in this parenthesis:
Horses fluent in the wind. A place, a time gone out of mind."

The Eye Mote-Sylvia Plath

Don't think a better bunch could have been chosen....................stan

Looking forward to the season and the new year
with the continuous care and vision of this



*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

I wish to express thanks to those who voted and offered congratulations and I greatly look forward to working with Paul and Rett to take Neo to new heights!


Blue Demon77

"What I want is to be what I was before the knife,
before the brooch pin, before the salve, fixed me in this parenthesis:
Horses fluent in the wind. A place, a time gone out of mind."

The Eye Mote-Sylvia Plath



I expect great things from this AC, have already heard some great ideas.
Congratulations all , I know there will be some important changes.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.