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Chef Don's blog

The Wheels Are Always Turning

I believe that one day, people will see what is right.
Cause until they do the world like a tire in mud
will just keep turning without moving.
Like quick sand sucking your life out of sight.

The Wheels Are Turning

Like a day is a day
A moment is a moment
The wheels are always turning
Sometimes not knowing where you're going.

Every snowflake is different
Every drop of rain is not the same
We get up everyday not knowing what will change
But change is part of life and nothing stays the same.

Like Hitting A Wall

There are so many poets
to deep to tread.
You get into the moment
but then loose the thread

The purpose looses meaning
The meaning has no depth.
Like a needle in a haystack,
you can't find the head.

You go back to the start
like hitting a wall.
You're more lost
the second time through.
You give up on the poem,
that's all you can do.

My message to you.
The deeper you go
Give your poetry motion
so everything flows.

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