Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

swamp-witch's blog

*this old literary analysis essay of mine is being shared as a sample blog for making a video tutorial*

Are You New to Neopoet?

If so, please consider joining our latest workshop: Navigating Neopoet.

It is available here:

Or by finding it in the Workshop Menu in the top navigation bar of Neopoet.

Read Part 1 of the series: A Poet's Guide to Digital Proofreading Tools: Preface

Part 2: Using Digital Proofreading Tools in Poetry Writing

“Every day, in private conversations, letters to editors, journal articles, and advice columns, people complain about grammar. They love to hate the bad grammar of others. These are the grammar ranters, and they claim to be distressed or confused by the tiniest of mistakes…


Part 1: Disclaimer and Preface

My perspective on grammar and mechanics (and writing in general) has changed significantly since last I was here. I’ve learned a lot over the past several years.

From studying linguistics, I have learned about what linguists call descriptive and prescriptive approaches to language use. The prescriptive perspective is what most of us are likely familiar with from learning grammar in school. However, most folks outside of the field of linguistics are likely unfamiliar with the descriptive perspective.

  • Tell the poet about a film, book/novel, artist, etc. that reminds you of them/their work (that they might like to check out)
  • Tell them your favorite line/stanza and why it's good (so they can repeat/learn from the good idea/writing device/strategy)
  • Tell them a personal ancedote the poem reminds you of (shows the poet you read deeply and connected)

Upcoming Critique Workshop

For those who are interested, starting Monday June 18th, I will be hosting a critique workshop. I intend for it to last six weeks with additional time for those who need to work self-paced.

Please check it out!

Critiquing Imagery, Literary Devices, and Syntax

(from my old critique series, updated to reflect my improved understanding of grammar and its long and complicated history)
Critiquing Imagery

Pauses and How to Signal Them

(an old blog, re-posted)

I don’t know about other folks here, but sometimes I have have trouble following along in a poem like I should. This mostly goes for poems that don’t have enough capitalization, line/stanza breaks or punctuation or poems that use these too much. I also don’t know if other writers intend the same pauses as I do when using the same punctuation, line/stanza breaks, etc.

Sorry for my Absence

I had intended to spend my whole summer writing, workshopping, making educational videos, and more, but my summer has gotten off to a rough start. I have almost nothing to show for the entire month of May.

I'm Broadcasting Live in 20 Minutes

Hello everyone,

I'll be practicing a live broadcast talk show about the creative writing process at 8pm EDT on Twitch here:

You don't have to have an account to watch, but you do need an account to comment and interact live.

Here are instructions on making an account:


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