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Collaborative poetry writing Renga

Renga is a fun way for poets to come together write a shared poem collaboratively. Renga is Japanese style of writing that's a 1,000 years old. "Renga is an art of time and space as well as words and images." The Renga platform is a place where neopoets come, write and read renga together; it's a place similar to the temporary wooden structured by Alec Finlay at

At Neopoet Collaborative Poetry Writing (Renga), is most importantly a workshop; Neopoets in tips workshop learn the art of Japanese writing styles; haiku, senyru, tanka.

Though Alex Finlay's Renga was based simply on haiku, My Renga is based on both haiku or senyru. For the most part senyru is easier to write than haiku because poets must focus on keeping human feeling and emotions out and stick to nature or anything not human.

Example haiku:
A bumpy bo frog
Rode wave on a rotten log
Croak at setting sun.

Example haiku:
It rained many days
Thunder broke midday silence
Fire across the skies.

Example senyru:
Like birds of nature
She sung songs in harmony
Birds danced in twilight.

In senyru adds human feelings and emotions haiku don't. Come join in on the fun at

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