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Editing - polished draft

Speak To Me

The sound of my name upon your lips
is a beguiling caress
there is a warm invitation
in the way you speak to me.

I feel an intimate familiarity
that spans the physical distance
to but an arms reach

When you speak to me
I am enveloped in an embrace
that steals my resolve

Through the darkness of a late night
you speak to me and send my heart
racing with excited stirrings

I hold my breath in anticipation
of the magic your words weave
You have but to speak to me

Rusty Hinges

to fall asleep under a tree
blue shades of grass
laid back dog pal
and mud between my toes

one more shoeless day of denial

rosebud, my rosebud

now today, a tuesday afternoon
a knock on the door
I cringe

hummingbird of las briesis

life goes by
as fast as hummingbirds
on tiny wings
too full of motion to see
she's not restless like me
she knows her place
finds her duty and
applies it

searching for nectar
stopping only
to realign herself

i watch from the balcony
her busy attitude reminds me
i cannot be tied
cannot be settled
always knowing there is more

and like the hummingbird
the next flower is adventure
next new scent
next new person i meet

"Going to the beach to find inner peace”

The most beautiful place on earth is the beach. The beach is where I found my inner peace. The first time I ever went to the beach was with my spiritual brother Stan. He owned a carpentry company and was offered a contract to remodel the kitchens of the beach front home on Myrtle Beach. Stan called my husband to let us know that he was on his way to do this job at the beach and wanted to know if we wanted to stay the night at the beach with him, his son Charles, and Charles’s wife. His son and daughter in law worked side by side with him in his business at that time.

Sir Reality...

She stands on the corner, outlined in the rain
Hikes her skirt at passing cars
and tries to hide her shame

Never thought she'd be a whore, sell her body to the night
Now, the need for a fix again
leaves no strength to fight

The yellow headlights of the cars, offer warmth, an easy mark
The motel room smells dirty
but at least it's dark

Feel the golden glow, the push of ecstasy
She looks into the dresser mirror
says; " It's not really me"

the Book

It is an amazing story
interlacing and interweaving
every chronicle of every history
into a volume of life
worked to the smallest detail

plots and twists and mini themes
with everyone its hero

What great mind could author this?

A saga over eons
a tome with billions of characters
each at the centre of its own universe
printing the pages at the forefront of creation
living the words
learning the thoughts

Deconstructing in an attempt to comprehend
a genre of mixed emotion

white swan

california offers
no excuses
vanilla scents and
as if experience
is a first time
i sample it with
no expectations
a surprising occurrence

the entertaining flavor
will have no lasting effect
the sweetest fruit
never do

yet life gains another moment
to savor when days

how sad it becomes
a time line for death
while courage lingers
almost as a ballerina

on nervous toes

another swan dies
in a land of indecision


Not a whisper can be heard
from my constricted throat
by the image
I behold with my eyes

Oh freedom, save me
from this creature
who's stepped out
of my horror filled nightmare's

Praying for escape
While held in the grip
of a living hell hound
born of fire and hate

Is there a God?
I hear no answer
from above
is my pleading, lost

I am a non believer
now caught in heated fear,
I seek
of him that does not exist

Who? (The Other Me)

Someone waits in Timelessness
dreaming The Path for me;
guiding me through the school of manifest
and the bedrock of eternity.

Someone is Being in authentic divinity.
I’m costumed in my stardust machine.
Together we dance in our own special feature
brought through to life through our own unique dream.

Who is dreaming the dream I am walking
in the ageless I of consciousness?
Who is directing the strokes of the brush
Which, little by little, paints my eternalness?


You endured so much pain
to bring me into this world
You had tears of joy in your eyes
when on your face, I cuddled and curled.

You fed me and cleaned me
And amused me when I cried
had it not been for you mom,
I would have surely died.

I spoke in a language
that only you could perceive
I wonder how you deciphered my needs
when I was not able to speak !

You were the happiest person on earth
when you heard the first word I spoke
You taught me my first alphabet
and held my hand when I wrote.


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