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Editing - polished draft

The Red Gum

In the heady, bloody diffusion
of iridescent, sinking afternoon sun,
the solid, thick chest of the red gum,
with its multitude of long gnarled arms
stretched in an arthritic attempt to touch eternity,
ever so slowly turns various shades
of convivial rosy-brown,

catching the final rays of Sol's dying white,
they strike a splash of caramel-golden light,
to paint the worn, tired, pale canvas behind,
its colour used up in the day's heat of history creation,
hues of shining ochre,

The Sentence/The Gods Made Love

Born of the gulf
We loved with the force of creation
Lightening struck as our eyes met
Thunder roared at the brush of our hands
Winds of gale force blew as our lips touched

Our passion was the creation of hurricanes
The earth shook with our bodies embrace
Tidal waves formed as our love making began
Tsunami’s swept ashore with our climax
The lava flowing from the earths core was our spent passion

Earned Fate

Living in the dark
the nocturnal creation
feels nothing
where we have a heart

Peering from a cell
through vacant eyes
sending daggers
while chained in hell

Turning human fate
into its own playtime
while The minds of men
fill with hate

The price of the toll
is paid with death
the nocturnal creature
collects the souls

They have opened the gate
bringing hell here to earth
Man has no idea
soon, it will be late


Red, white and blue

waves good riddance

to evil

wrapped in white

and plunged below the North Arabian Sea;

The Most Wanted,

in a weighted body bag,

is buried among fish

and seaweed,

oceans away from the

ashes of the Twin Towers,

economy class

jewish boys have weak jaws
in the likeness of their god
alone on a cross

avoided sunlight
enhances pale skin
and i see them
set aside from us
and i don't feel unclean

she feeds me dinner
the leftovers of
what was not kosher
and i wonder
how clean were
five loaves of bread
the fish and the five thousand?
or was that thought of

once a priest found a way to make it so



There've been times in my life I've been so lonely,
There've been times in my life I've been so down,
There've been times in my life I've felt that only I'm around-
Electric Clown, run down...

There've been people in my life who've made me happy,
There've been people in my life who've made me glad,
There've been people in my life just like my Mama and my Dad,
I'm so lucky to have had...

Inside the mouth of relativity

brittle elegy's seedlings, the night swings
its petticoat leg,
while small birds
(still spinning dinosaur's songs)
flying like poetic wounds
inside deepenst evolution's mouth;
what kind of disease will feed your hunger now?

I distill the colours of distant stars,
inside a grain of sand; plastic hands
carry the smoke of cruelty
(with its new feathers)
with money-smiles
and unholy holiness
maintaining the balance
of mediocrity and sad eyes;

To Portsmouth and beyond

As the eastern sun rises
we’re on our way.
The dawn is slowly breaking,
waking up a new day.

We’re headed for the south coast
leaving Swansea,
motoring down the M4,
bags packed for the journey.

On the rolling grassy hills
lambs jump play,
sheep still in their overcoats
until the month of May.

A far distant mountain range
intrudes the sky,
peaking over valley plains
where buzzards hunt and fly.

UFO Guy Phenomena

The chronicles continue
for this man called, "UFO",
he's also known as Richard
the "Desert Rose", where he may go.

I penned a poem, once before
and again when I wrote of the "hood",
he chronicles his UFO sightings
but, sometimes he's misunderstood.

Some say that he's eccentric
or maybe as crazy as the Hatter,
what they think doesn't "ruffle" him
in fact, it doesn't really matter.

My poor little Pump

Nose to the grindstone
Giving always more
without one groan

Even when I'm asleep
You labor on
Just to benefit me
Never hearing one beep

into you I pour
all of life's vices
struggling with it
deep in your core

How much more
will you take
of this brazen abuse
from this life's whore

I must answer the call
from my poor little one
Before it just stops
Causing my fall


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