Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Community News

This week the Neopoem is


  My Heart, My Heaven by Izzi Reinier


Let us congratulate Izzi Reinier on another contest win as a neopoet member.

April 2024 Contest Winners

Congratulations to our April 2024 contest winners!

Spring Fling  was won by Carrie with the poem Spring Fling

04/24 I Was An April Fool was won by Geezer with the poem Fooled Again...

04/24 Waiting In Line was won by  Mary Beth Magee  with the poem The Last Time

04/24 Are We There Yet?  Was won by Rula with the poem We're Almost There For It

04/24 My Favorite Cookie was won by Leslie with the poem After school treat!

Poetry Month 2024 Imagine Contest Vote

Vote for this month’s image prompt contest winner

Voting ends May 6th 2024.

Vote at the end of this newsletter.



By: Carrie

All the things that I wanna write
Have been written
All the songs that I wanna sing
Have been sung,
All the things that I wanna say
Have been said before
D A Em G
All the things that I wanna do have been done.

I wanna fly a kite
At night instead of day,
I wanna drive a big old truck
The opposite way
I wanna laugh when I’m sad,
And cry when I’m happy and gay
I wanna do what no one’s done
Any other day.

I wanna wear all my clothes
Wear em all inside out,

I wanna be real quiet,
When everybody else wants to shout
I wanna see the stars
When everybody else sees the sun
I want my day to end
When everybody else’s has begun.

Wouldn’t it be weird, wouldn’t it be funny and strange
If everyone thought like this,
Slightly deranged.



Lost Love

By: Alex Tanner

Should I recall those blissful times
When we like climbing flowers entwined;
Our blossoms scented evenings air
As Love and Lust forsook our cares.

Your laugh was soft and gentle,
A butterflies wings in spring,
Dancing on the sunbeams
Enough to make me sing.

Eyes so bright they sparkled
Diamonds on moonlit snow;
Flashing hither and thither
To make my pulse race so.

We held each other gentle
Yet tight so not to break,
Though deep, our love could never last,
Different paths our lives would take.

For fleeting months we tarried,
Each time we met we knew
This may be the last time
For lovers hours are few.

If I love ten thousand women
Tis you I will recall;
You gave yourself so willing,
For your passion I did fall.

On black nights as the wind howls,
As I lie in a bed so cold,
Your soft voice echoes 'cross the years
To warm my lonely soul.


Vote Here

Thank you for your participation.

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Mood Swing

tumultuous waves writhe
sweeping away garbage to sea shores
for life within to sustain in the mother liquor

sun eases her womb bursting with fresh brine
letting out steam to soothe her turmoil
turning buoyant crimson clouds grey

stolen of moonwalk they let loose their temper
reigning havoc with thunderous livid bolts
cool winds rush to ease burden of their anguish

Correspondences (Baudelaire)

Once I cut my finger on a growing fish's jade scales

It bled in the hibiscus tea we shared, in the belladonna

making the mystic skylights revolve above us. I thought

the dream fabric would braid your hair like seaweed,

and the mall's footlights (which I still wake up hanging

from, my second face lamplit as a geisha's corpse)

would transform you: strolling with an orchid head,

with Magritte lips and your moonlight musk. A cotillion

of myrrh hookahs tied to one another, I would think:

The Wonder of God's Whim

If you didn’t see
The brilliant flash
You heard
The low, guttural rumble

Like a thunderstorm
Life is a full on
Sensory experience

The kiss of rain
The music of the sky
The torrent of so much love

A drastic change
In the weather

That makes you
Pull over
In awe
On the side
Of life’s road

Cancel your carefully laid plans
To make new

So much power
It can short circuit
Our limited

The Old Sweater

The morning was unapproachable,
gloomy, not promising much,
not letting the world wake up.

You'd spilled both of our coffees.
I worried you burned yourself.

But you said,
you only lost your body map
and joked something about that
asking for help.

I took downstairs
coffee soaked bedding.
You went on a conference call.

I closed the windows
not to hear the hungry cries
of newborn foxes.

Refugees and Refuters:

Babies bred not on their ancestral ground
Yet children of conflict and conflicted
Some fare well although many welfare bound
Their lives constrained and future afflicted

Those responsible for instigation
Refuting population exodus
Refusing blame for the conflagration
While decrying the refugee influx

Generations of constant outsiders
Alien to birthright and human rights
Victimized by war and by inciters
No safe vision staring at the gun sights


Over a bed of stones
river runs its course
smoothing their edges
till they stop to hurt

it doesn't happen quickly
as soon as a blink
even whiskey on the rocks
needs a time to chill

The Best "Ism"

I think the best “ism”
Is ventriloquism

Every system needs a critic
And every puppet
A fall guy

And today’s comic
Is yesterday’s prophet,

It is a song of both
Innocence and experience

But ultimately
Kids aren’t really
The intended audience

(Though we’re all kids at heart)

It is a classroom
Most of us can enjoy

And some ventriloquists
Have really done
Their research

In Parenthesis

To the Poet (1949-2049?)

We measure the universe by light speed
And while we live there are galaxies
In each of us which seem eternal.
But the time we spend among the living
Is put in numbers between parentheses.

The dates tell only the equation of fate,
Our lives reduced to the dash between them,
Not telling how we fit in the fashion of the age
Or the forces that directed our passing.

It's All Good

a sunny day
low humidity
shadows are crisp

a zephyr leisurely strolls
through the valley
wispy clouds drift and sway

and here come the joggers
panting and sweating
ear buds implanted
goofy outfits
and a dead ahead gaze
cool shoes though

they pass quickly

birds are chirping
butterflys are fluttering
squirrls are chattering

ah! a waft of lilac
mingling with apple blossoms
quite pleasant and engaging

Lonesome but not alone

fingers on the keyboard,were tapping a song
the piano in audience said let me play along
a spider in the corner stopped knitting its web
and the clock on the wall was swinging its tail
the fan on the ceiling was stirring the air
my cat was purring on an unkempt bed
grey shadows soon started dancing on the wall
when keys on my piano started playing live

the clock on the wall moved past the midnight moon
yet my eyes were streaming lullabies for you


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.