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whores lament

i wonder if they think of me
if anything I did or said
remains a pleasant memory
some are aged
some are dead
i hope my song plays in their head
for I remember quite a few
and long to love them once anew
some perverse and some -so kind
for a night, they all were mine
I knew and loved them biblically
in our passion and our pain
I gave away my precious gift
my future hopes for love bereft
and so you see
a lonely soul, an outcast from
a broken heart with shattered dreams
a jaded woman of the night
until the day I cease to be, I'll fondly ask
And wonder
Do any of them think of me?


It needs a bit of work... doesnt flow like I want it to... later

sarah webster

author comment

I like the poem...refined...some places..some times...You have too lift your pinky..fold your napkin..even the most harshest and hardest of men want too have finery...glitter and bling...after all what is booty and treasure if its all just business....I lived with a lot of women over time..ships passing in the night but we exchanged much then mere physical...stories...adventures...items...songs...there are always more female based curse words and slang then for what men call each other...but the competitive role for the dominant role from a classical stanpoint would be woman appealing to the male...I very much enjoyed the alpha females...Not because I could not pick up the task of mere apron string attendant...No no...far from that role...Im quite barbaric at heart...But I have a mind that is fine......Flow...sweet....mmm..perhaps maybe a bit of a melancholic but cheery essence...I lived with a woman that worked in the sex trade and met many contacts since and before......Everyone remembers everyone because once in awhile U never know when U are going too cross paths...the Rules!! What women give...baddest young heavies moaning in holding about the prized women that got away...same with the professionals..and all these comely ladies cost dearly...and power at the base end or the refined end of the spectrum has its shade and edge...

the poetry got me thinking on the aspects of that....But your poem is dear....some men like some women don't remember...even if U want to have that from them so badly.....needs and wants....if something more special falls into memory or the recurrent feelings....all the better!

Thank U!

Thank you for the feedback...

sarah webster

author comment

we kids were adopted to the chagrin of the only
eldest daughter
a zoomer
Parents mom told me I was abandoned
by a mother who was probably a whore...
I was about five when I got the adoption
story....When I met my native birth mother
years later....I was amazed to find someone
like moody...primitve move and strengths
and clever like in all regards...
Im positive from all signs that my mom ran
a crew...and Even if she was a whore when
she was eighteen....that was her choice
and why run her down....She lost me
Adoptive parents gained me...In the end
I met everyone....okay story
In the bible all walks of life helped Jesus
becuase he helped everyone...Now Im
not a religeous zealot....there are too
many issues in me for this...but I appreciate
the story and I believe in him and his
father....and I believe the stories of
common people of the time wanting
too help this reble of this times...

Your poetry is very transferable
Very much the story telling flavor
of times when People told a story
A beginning
A middle
A ending

I very much enjoy your works
I like how you do not pull
the punchs
very spirited

thank U!

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