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Stealing Lite:

There was an article on a news portal regarding a thief who broke into a Virginia shoe store. This thief had headed for the store without using his head and jumped in feet first as he stole thirteen shoes on display that were all for the right foot. The left shoes was kept in the storage area and the thief either did not know about the left shoe policy and location or in his need for a hurried exit, he did not notice his error. Also, it looks like he probably did not keep count as thirteen shoes would mean one shoe would remain on its own.

The unlucky thief now has thirteen right shoes – thirteen is also associated with bad luck – and he is left on the outside of the law. The thief who is a teenager has rightly been caught and faces charges. The thief probably did not or could not keep a count of the charges.

Young people need to know in this very competitive world, even stealing has upgraded to the latest technology and thieves with technical skills are the most likely to succeed. Thieves need to be hands-on and cannot afford to be footloose.

In the Thievery Hall of Fame record books, the teen thief would not be entitled to even a footnote.

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