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The Neopoet

Neopoet Image Prompt Contest August 2023

For the August 2023 image prompt contest there are two finalists,

Please read the poems below and clink the link to vote for the poem you like best.



Contest Image


Neopoet Image Prompt Contest August 2023

For the August 2023 image prompt contest there are two finalists,

Please read the poems below and clink the link to vote for the poem you like best.



Fairy Tales Remembered

By: Clentin

Only in fairy tales are we able to see

all of the characters we are able to be.




Neopoet Around the Globe



Produced by the Neopoet Publishing Group


Our first anthology of literature by you the members who so graced us with your poetry. Published

March third spanning the year 2022 and made up of 174 pages it is a work of art.

This anthology is filled with poets from around the world on many different topics. All are contest


Neopoem Of The Year

Voted upon by the membership of,

Time Machine

Penned by Words.unwritten!

Time Machine


If I could build a Time machine

I'm not sure where I'd go

A chance to alter memories

Unmeet people that I know


To unsay words I shouldn't have said

And say ones I wish I had

Rewrite each badly written page


We only have 18 votes!

We are at a tie

Let’s break this tie.


Click the link directly below the second poem and vote for the best poem as your expertise can determine.


(poem #1) 

For Sharon...

By, Geezer


She waited and she waited

but through the passing years

she found there was no answer

for her pain and tears


Left alone, bewildered

Neopoet yearly contest competition is here!
Please read or reread each of the poems and follow the link below them.
Vote for one poem only please.

For Sharon...
By, Geezer

She waited and she waited
but through the passing years
she found there was no answer
for her pain and tears

Left alone, bewildered
what did she do wrong?
He disappeared one night
"Oh God, it's been so long!"

Coming down to the yearly face off!
Words.unwritten won the first half year contest.
Who will he go toe to toe with, in the final showdown?
Cast your vote from the link below and we shall see.
One hundred dollars and a place in the historic anthology awaits the winner selected by you the membership.

Coming down to the yearly face off!
Words.unwritten won the first half year contest.
Who will she go toe to toe with, in the final showdown?
Cast your vote from the link below and we shall see.
One hundred dollars and a place in the historic anthology awaits the winner selected by you, the membership.

Autumn Newsletter

The yearend is closing in on Neopoet.  This year was a year of growth for us.  From contests to our collaborative workshop to the initiation of our Neopoet Around The Globe Anthology and it’s cover poem contest.

The midway yearly contest shown Words.unwritten to have written the creative masterpiece and move to the face off January 2023 against the winner of the second half of the contest.  When you see the voting form link in January vote for your favorite creation. 

Read Words.unwritten winning poem here:

Neopoem of the Year Half Way Contest

Welcome to the first half of the yearly contest. Please read all six-monthly contest winners. Decide

which poem you believe to be best. Click on the contest link at the bottom and select the poem you

decide on from the list you will be shown.

The poem with the most votes will advance to the final decision for this year and will go toe to toe with

the winner of the second round of six poems in January 2023 for selection of the yearly contest winner.


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