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Neopoet Image Prompt Contest Vote Update

Neopoet Image Prompt Contest August 2023

For the August 2023 image prompt contest there are two finalists,

Please read the poems below and clink the link to vote for the poem you like best.



Contest Image




Fairy Tales Remembered

By: Clentin

Only in fairy tales are we able to see

all of the characters we are able to be.


Some days the pauper, some days the queen

others, the princess, sometimes the king.


But when we are nasty and ever so mean

the role of the troll can often be seen.


Whatever our mood, whatever our need

there is always an appropriate story to read.


Without tiny stories and beautiful dreams

we have no way to muffle life’s screams.


The beauty of fairy tales should never be lost

there is no possible way to repay the cost.


Always remember, although words all they be

each has his stories through which he can see.


Each has a harbor, a safe place, a nook

all neatly portrayed in some fairytale book.




Solemn Bells

By: Tawny023


When doves are abandoned

So returns your honor to love


The lump in your throat swells

The cohesion of tears tumbles


Taste bitter down the side of your face

Despair leaves nothing to lawfully object


The place seems surreal and forsaken

But the deafening ring reminds you


To blink and breathe in the last scent

Hands solemnly trace the dress laid to rest


Happy couple speeches go unuttered

As the altar possession is halted


Centerpieces unravel and cake stales

Wine pours jilted as toast flutes fizzle


Stomachs tie in knots contesting

Spew in hate convulsing


Bell vase shatters, filled with rage

Mirrors deaden and masks conceal


How long has this union abandoned

White Fire pleasure and red hot desire


Candles die while wicks flicker

The flame of sealed vows kept locked


Chest closed and Key bound

Hidden from being flung below


As Paris burns so does heart’s innocence

Engulfed by love’s once promised embrace


Bliss comes at a cost when kisses fail to linger

Risk wages and tears of joy hinges from the very start


Threshold diminish to cherish this day forward

And trains waltz pass the night poorer


Worse off wed in sickness and health, why does death do us apart?


Click on this link to vote!    

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