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Maverick's blog

One of my favorites

I did this one for a national poetry comp. Loved it. Mostly because I can relate. I had a friend who called around 10pm, scared witless. Her dad had gone out to get her sister and hadn't come back. We told her to call around 10:30 if he still wasn't back. She called, so my dad went to try and go find her dad and sister. He found him in his car. The sister was still inside the track and field house. he called home at 12:37. The first words out of his mouth were "He died." He was just as much of a father to me as my own dad was.


You know what I love? I love this definition:

maverick |ˈmav(ə)rik|
1 an unorthodox or independent-minded person : a free-thinking maverick.
• a person who refuses to conform to a particular party or group : the maverick Connecticut Republican.

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