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jane210660's blog

May Prize Money spending spree

Hi folks, as some of you may recall, I won the May contest with my Spring sonnet.
Pugalist has kindly forwarded me my prize voucher and I thought I'd share with you what I bought.
Two books:
Birthday Letters by Ted Hughes
The Collected Poems of Sylvia Plath
Some wonderful reading there I'm sure you'll agree.
What can I say, thanks, I'm really chuffed.

Ridiculous advertising

Could someone please stop the ridiculous spam advertising various drugs that is littering the blog page and has also made an appearance on the stream. Jx

A quick apology

I spent the afternoon de-capital lettering a lot of my poems. I'm truly sorry (and slightly embarrassed) that they seem to have now monopolised the wall from the home page.
I didn't mean to inflict them on you all for a second time, in future, if I edit, I'll just do one poem at a time.

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