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Writing Is In My Blood

As soon as I was able to form a word in my mind, I admired the spoken word and the poems that taught me about myself, human nature and life. Literature became cartoons and holiday tales that taught me about character and friendship. I enjoy these stories to this day. They fill me with emotion when friends depart, mothers sacrifice and saviors come in unusual and often little esteemed creatures with big hearts and many,many ruses. Enjoy your holiday and look back on classic tales that warm the heart and inspire us to goodness, Let it spur you on to the higher calling that creates the essence of Love. Let us love one another, do good, and respect the earth. Amen.


I see that you have been talking to yourself in the chatroom. I do it now and then myself. It is a shame that most often, there is no one there. I used to run a chat called Chat on The Darkside, where we discussed and brought our dark poetry. I was sick for a while and people kind of drifted away from the chat. It used to be a lot of fun and we got together with other chat hosts.
I've tried to bring the chats back a couple of times, but the differences in time zones and people's schedules makes it really difficult. I've only read one of your works so far, bu I like what I see. Keep writing. ~Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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