Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Hits per poem ...

There are many that would like to see this ability
back, is there anything that can be done?



my poem
and know at least one has read it
and that's me

score==== plus one at least
so what if its my own feast


but what is the benefit if the hits are many and the replies are 0 :)


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

self gratification only


It was merely a tool to use so we could all
keep up with which poems received the most
reads, useful in more ways than one. If your
poem had no comments but people were still
reading it, it would go a long way in easing that.
There were other features too, like "most popular
ever", "most voted with the stars" (when we had
that feature) and more that I can't remember, so
it was useful.

author comment

We've implemented this, and it's now in beta testing for premium members. Please let us know if you have any feedback.

everyone wanted a pair of North Star track shoes in our day..
we were kinda spoiled and we got em...took care of em too..
I want to get premium....getting bumped off my old tower
and only having the laptop connection now makes me see
how important this site is....three hundred sixty five days
hardly a coin a day......second....hits.....
I think it is important to have a relevant voice.....I write
vague notion poetry....What was that??? compared to
Holy shit I can relate to that..That fires up my imagination
and want to write something!! I see it now!
The more the poetry jumps out at me here and I can
relate the more I feel I can get aboard too....
Its like a challenge to see the hits and replies....

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.