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Window Smudges

The windows here are cleaned each night
From smudges placed on windowpanes;
They’re always found at children’s height,
No matter if it shines or rains.

Some youth with Fragile X and Downs,
Abandoned by their parents’ care;
Will sit in class and learn the sounds
Of different words they’ll come to share.

Though struggling first to say a phrase,
While teacher prompts them to begin;
Each pronounced word is met with praise,
Which make some light up with a grin.

When words are through and class is done,
A chaplain comes for Bible hour;
And reads where Christ will raise each one
With strong new bodies filled with power.

They also learn, He’ll come with love
To take away their loneliness;
And cause each mind to heal above
With brilliant thoughts of holiness.

Then after school hours come to pass,
Each child will walk to windows near;
And stand with face pressed close to glass,
As they wait for Him to appear.

The windows here are cleaned each night
From smudges placed on windowpanes;
They’re always found at children’s height,
No matter if it shines or rains.

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem, "Window Smudges," effectively utilizes a consistent rhyme scheme (ABAB) and a regular rhythm, which contributes to the overall flow and readability of the piece. The repetition of the first and last stanzas creates a sense of closure and continuity, enhancing the thematic unity of the poem.

The poem's central theme, the experiences and hopes of children with Fragile X and Down syndrome, is presented with sensitivity and respect. The use of specific details, such as the children's height smudges on the windows and their learning process, adds depth and authenticity to the portrayal.

However, the poem could benefit from a more nuanced exploration of the children's individual experiences and perspectives. While the current approach provides an overview of their daily routine and hopes, incorporating specific anecdotes or personal insights could make the narrative more engaging and emotionally resonant.

The religious elements in the poem are integrated smoothly into the narrative, providing a source of hope and comfort for the children. However, the poem might be more universally relatable if it also explored secular sources of hope and resilience, such as the children's personal growth or the support they receive from their teachers.

The language and imagery of the poem are clear and accessible, although there is room for more vivid and original descriptions. For example, instead of saying "Each pronounced word is met with praise," the poem could show this scene in a more dynamic and sensory way.

Overall, "Window Smudges" is a thoughtful and well-structured poem that could be enhanced by a deeper exploration of its characters and more evocative language.

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it presents a picture of children with special needs in a respectful light and shows the delight in which these children learn new things and integrate with so-called normal society. I especially liked the mention of the children's height and the need for the windows to be cleaned every day. Nicely done. ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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There appears to be a website posting glitch here somewhere. I’m not sure how to delete the previous duplicate notation on this website. Sorry.

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Thank you Geezer for visiting my poem today and for sharing your thoughtful insights and your kind words. I am glad that you enjoyed the poem and even more glad that you took the time to send me a written response. There seems to be only a few on this poetry site from what I am observing that take the time to post comments in response to poetic submissions. Feedback comments are always most welcome here and greatly appreciated. Thank you again Geezer for stopping by and for leaving your feedback.

author comment

things can get slow here. It happens now and then. If I send something and it doesn't seem to go, I will wait a minute or two and do something else and then renew the site, it will usually show up. Thanks for your reply. Yes, we do have a little bit of a problem with commenting, [but if you can believe it], it has improved as of late. Welcome aboard, and feel free to express yourself. Obey the golden rule kind of thing and everyone gets along fine. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Thank you for the response once again as well as for the golden rule insight. Yes, I understand completely. Take care.

author comment

Hello, Paleoray,
What a tender observation, and how enduring the smudges on the windows are. It's the appreciation for the tiniest, but wonderfully discovered moments that give meaning to life.
Thank you,

Thank you Lavender for visiting this poem today and for sharing your wonderful insight. This poem was written as a gift to a friend whose brother has severe and institutionalized Down’s Syndrome. He explained to me that many times when he went to visit his brother, his brother would have his face pressed against the observation window while pointing out and describing birds and other wildlife in the courtyard of his facility. He also told me that his brother would frequently say “Come Lord Jesus” while looking out the window. These details were the inspiration behind this poem. Thank you again for your wonderful comments today.

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