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The Suicide Note of A 16 Year Old Girl

Last Words
When I think about the world
I think of sadness, darkness
A world you can't shut out
A world corrupted
Murderers killing
Thieves stealing
Pedophiles taking youth before it began
Waking up makes my skin crawl
It's painful to smile
I know you don't understand
You don't see what I see
Hear what I hear
Feel the way I feel
You haven't fallen yet
I hope you never do
I have fallen
I have see true Evil
I hit the rocks at the bottom
Cut and busied
Bleeding out
My blood has pooled beneath my bed
As my dreams stopped long ago
I am writing this
With no guessing
No trouble at all
I feel utterly calm
My heart slipping into a slow rhythmic beat
Deep breaths so sweet
I guess the last breaths you take are as pure as your first
I am saying what I feel
I know that my choices have led me here
To this... my Last Words
Know, I regret nothing
I am truly sorry
I feel the light inside going out
I am headed toward that Black Horizon
I do not know what lies on the other side, or what it has in store for me
My body is nothing but an unwanted shell now
My skin cold as ice
My lips untouched by the man I had been waiting for
I have watched and learned
Please don't forget me
Until we meet again
Believe that
Love is dead
Maybe it never existed in the first place
Or in few, and rare forms
I hoped that I would have known some form of it before now
So long
May God have mercy on my soul

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Last few words: 
Five years ago I wrote this and dated it for my 18th birthday. I am 21 and I'm still here.
Editing stage: 


glad that you are still here! Rather than opt out and do away with one's self, I think you know the path that you should take. Find a way to help others that feel the despair and want to end it all. There is no good come from just giving up and letting go. If you save even one person from feeling what you felt at that time, if you bring just one person a sense of purpose, you have done a great thing! Sometimes it doesn't take much, just a kind word, a sharing to make a difference. Thanks for sharing. with us. ~ Geezer

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

All I want is to make people... even just one person that they aren't alone.

The Unknown Poet

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author comment

this is very touching. I am happy you are still here.
Your death or anyone's else's will not change a thing. You've done the right thing. Hope you can change the world around you to become a better place.
Thanks for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Thanks for reading

The Unknown Poet

Make a donation we can't stay without poets like you.

author comment

What can I say after reading this one? I have witnessed the depth of emotions expressed honestly, therefore for me it's not dark poetry but rather honesty I especially mean the lines about no regret and not blaming and about the hope...


raj (sublime_ocean)

You are sweet to always stop and read raj

The Unknown Poet

Make a donation we can't stay without poets like you.

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